Chapter 10

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Everyone looks around frantically.

"What was that?!"

Sabre looks around and finds a pool of water. "Over here!"

They all turn towards the water just in time to see a strange looking fish break through to the surface. "Who you?"

"Uh.. it talks?"

Alaina tilts her head. "What even is that?"

Sabre chuckles nervously, backing up slightly. "Ryan?"


"That's an angler fish, isn't it?"

Ryan nods frantically. "Yup. Yup. That's what that is."

Sabre nods as well. "Thought so."

The fish dives back under the water pool.

"Uh.. where'd it go?" Alaina steps away from the pool. "I like animals but that's kinda creepy.."

"I'm not scared of it, I'm just confused because it definitely doesn't belong in this world." Sabre steps back towards the water. "Fish?"

The fish breaks to the surface again. "What?"

"Uh.. do you happen to have a name?"

The fish points to itself. "Englar."

"It has a name. That's nice to know. Uh.." Sabre walks closer to it. "What are you doing here anyways?"


Sabre nods. "Makes sense. Well, if you're happy here then-"

"Not happy."

Sabre tilts his head. "Why's that?"

"No food in cave."

"Oh. Well.. would you like to come with us then?" He pulls out a bucket.

"If has fish, will go."

Sabre nods. "Plenty of fish."

Englar then leaps out of the water and lands in the bucket. He looks up at Sabre. "We go to food now."

"I- sure, yeah. Happy, Yellow, can one of you come with me and make sure I don't get lost? I've not been here in a while." He chuckles awkwardly.

Happy nods. "Yeah, sure."

Sabre smiles gratefully. "Thank you." They back away from the others and get ready to teleport, but Jenga lays over Sabre's feet. "Wh- Jenga come on man, we gotta go."

Cliff laughs a bit. "Maybe let someone else take Englar, I don't think Jenga will like us very much if you leave."

The cat huffs, and Sabre sighs. "Fine, M? Can you take him somewhere with fish? And preferably dark and where we can monitor him I guess, keep him alive and whatnot."

M shrugs. "Yeah sure." Sabre hands him the bucket, and Englar doesn't seem upset at all.

Happy grabs M's shoulder. "Alrighty, let's go!" They teleport away, and there's a block missing from the ceiling of the cave now.

The adventurers ignore it and walk on farther into the cave.


Happy and M teleport to the Orange Kingdom, for both Englar's new home and to check on Light. Happy said there were a few water caves around and that there were steves who regularly checked them.

They went to the leader first, to see if Englar could stay there. He agreed, though he said most of the caves connected. Englar liked the idea of that, having more space to roam free, the fish population being huge, plus the Orange Steves can make sure there are more fish if Englar eats all of the fish in the caves.

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