Chapter 4

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Once the funeral had ended, Sabre, Cliff, and the new temporary Colorless Guard leader, who's name we don't know yet, had gone to Sabre's house. The Elite, or Leader for now, didn't really know what to do without Light Steve. So he opted to stay with Sabre.

Sabre hadn't told him off, in all honesty he felt more safe with a steve around him at all times. He felt bad for the poor guy though. Eventually, when they got back to Sabre's house, the guard took their helmet off.

"Wait.. Happy?!"

Happy looks at him. "Yeah.. hey Sabre." He smiles, though it looks forced. Well, he just sort of lost his leader and a close friend of his. Not really if you think about it, but still.

Sabre hugs him. "I'm sorry, I really am." He let's go and pats his shoulder. "It's getting late, we should sleep, yeah?" Happy nods, and they arrange where who will sleep, and eventually the house is silent aside from their breathing. Except for Cliff, he's snoring.


Yellow wakes up in a whitewashed world, standing up abruptly. He looks around and stops when he sees a Blue Steve. "No.."

The Blue Steve walks towards him. "Yellow."

"Blue.. Leader?" Yellow calms down a bit, still confused.

Blue Leader smiles at him. "Follow me, please." He then turns around and walks in some random direction. Yellow trusts him, so he follows him.

Eventually they end up at a staircase. Blue Leader starts walking up the stairs, and so Yellow follows him.

They walk into the house at the top of the stairs, which Yellow learns is the Blue Leader's house. "I've looked it over and thought about it." Blue Leader says, walking outside onto the balcony. Yellow follows him, and Blue Leader summons lightning over the edge of his balcony. A portal appears at the bottom and the Blue Leader turns to him. "Come here." He does. "I'm afraid it isn't your time, friend." He pushes Yellow into the portal.


Yellow wakes up on top of a grave. It's early in the morning. He stands up and looks over the grave. It's.. it's his grave. He looks around and sees he's in the Yellow Kingdom. At least he would have been put to rest here, but apparently he can't catch a break. He decides he should talk to Sabre before anyone else. He steps away from the grave and teleports to Sabre's house.


Sabre wakes up to lightning outside. It's early in the morning now, not exactly night anymore, so he knows he slept a bit. The lightning wakes up Happy and Cliff as well. The three of them creep to the front door when they hear a knock. They all jump, not expecting that, instead expecting someone to break the door down.

Happy decides to open the door in case it's Lucas or another infected, and when he does he instantly freezes in shock. "What.." He backs away from the door and Yellow walks into the house.

"Heyyyyy guys—" He's cut off by more lightning, and Blue Leader walks in behind him and closes the door quickly.

"I came to explain, you know, so they wouldn't get the wrong idea." He looks at Sabre and Happy. "He wasn't supposed to die, so I did what I did for Sabre."

"You pushed him through a portal too-?!"

Blue Leader chuckles. "No, he begged me to send him back, but I needed to send you back." He then walks to the door and opens it, running out again. "That's all I needed, have fun!" He teleports away quickly.

Yellow grins. "Uh.. surprise?"

Sabre just hugs him. "Gosh man you scared us.."

"Well I did technically die though—"

Happy smacks the back of his neck. "Hush it." He hugs Yellow from behind. "Thank Origin you're alright!"

Sabre lets go of Yellow. "Speaking of Origin.." He goes back to the couch he was sleeping on. "He said he would visit me. I wanna sleep though, so I'll go call for him later."

Yellow stands there confused. "Uh.."

Happy drags Yellow to where he was sleeping, as Cliff walks back to the corner where he was. "Just sleep LC, we'll talk about all this tomorrow." Happy cuddles into his chest. Yellow, having experienced Happy do this many times, just immediately falls asleep.


Origin silently teleports in front of Sabre's house. It's almost lunchtime, he believes Sabre is still asleep. You see, Origin had been watching over him since he left. He knows he has a grandfather, and he's wanting to meet him. He waits outside until they wake up before he does my thing though.

He then remembers something and teleports away, forgetting to mute his lightning.

This causes everyone inside of Sabre's house to wake up again.


Sabre shoots up and falls off the couch as he hears lightning outside, again. "Ughh.. who is it nowwww?" Everyone else was awake and alert. "Come on let's go see who it is.."

They walk outside and nobody is there. Then suddenly, the lightning happens again and Time Steve is standing there, with another person only Sabre truly recognizes.

"Origin-?! Did you- kidnap Time?" Sabre walks over to them. "Is that really Time?" Origin nods, and Sabre hugs him. "Hahah, welcome back to the world of the.. well, whatever it is."

Time hugs him back. "Sabre, what is happening?"

"Oh well.."


After Sabre's explanation of how long it's really been and what Time had missed, he introduces everyone to Origin, and his father to Time as well.

"So you're telling me.. you've had abilities this whole time and you didn't show them?" Sabre nods to his father. "You didn't tell us about them." Sabre nods again.

"I don't like where this is going—"

"Hush. So you're more powerful than me and Rhonda combined?" Sabre nods again. "You've gotta be kiddin' me."


"So I lost you because you were too stubborn to say anything?!"

Sabre holds his hands up. "Hey, I'm glad I didn't! I wouldn't have met- or.. created? These people? I don't know how to word that but I'm happy where I am now, Dad! Minus the infection thing."

"Okay, I guess that's that then. Uh.. this is my grandson?" He looks at Origin.

Sabre nods at him. "Technically yes."



The rest of this day was spent with everyone getting to know each other, and Origin having to leave. He said he'd be back to visit and help with things eventually though.

M had dropped by with Professor Red and had asked for a meeting, or just with them. Happy had his armor on so they didn't know who he was, not like they would anyways.

At the meeting, Professor Red explained he had an idea for a cure. Sabre, Cliff, Time, Happy, Yellow, and M had been selected to search for the ingredients. M leaving his apprentice in charge while he was gone.

They needed five or six things, a few of them would be decently easy. The others? Not so much. But they had no choice.

Therapist Green Steve made clothes all the time, for some reason, so he made their first required item.

And so.. their adventure gathering ingredients for the cure to a very dangerous virus had finally begun.

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