Chapter 13

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hi, moth boy time steve here, i'm here to say that i'm so very sorry for not updating in so long, my last chapter was last year *faints* /j
no but anyways, here ya go, i hope i get this out soon-

TWs; there is cursing here. I'll censor the more.. 'severe' curse words if there are any.
There are also weapons, but less minecrafty and more realistic, because.. well, you'll see if you read it.


Rhonda kneels on the floor. "God dammit Cliff.." She looks over to the shattered glass that came from the bottle she threw down and clenches her fists. "I'll make your life a living hell, Elan." She stands up and walks to the kitchen.

"You'll regret this.."

She grabs a broom and dust pan and walks back over to the mess she made, to clean it up. She may be a rude woman but she appreciates things being clean, and she lives here.

As she finishes sweeping all of the glass into the pan, she gets a small, empty box, which is insulated with newspaper, and puts it in there. She closes the box and tapes it shut, that way, the glass doesn't tear through her garbage bag.

She looks up at her walls, only to see pictures of her, Cliff, and their son. She takes all of the pictures down and throws them away as well.

She picks up a framed picture of her son sitting alone, smiling as if he's the happiest boy on the planet. "You.. will pay for this.." She throws the frame against the wall, and it shatters, just as the bottle had. Glass is once again all over the floor.

She ignores it, though, as glitching particles float around her. She takes a deep breath to calm herself, and the particles become less visible.

She goes to another room, where a couch and TV are, and sits on the couch. She takes a moment to search for the remote, and then turns the TV on when she finds it. "Stupid cooking show.. stupid family.." She grumbles, laying down on the couch. She doesn't care for the show that's playing, nor does she care for her son.

She's just mad that he stole her husband from her. She had assumed he was dead by now, but her husband hadn't cared if he was or not, he wanted to know what happened.

She sighs, grabs a pillow, and pulls it over her head. Ignoring the world, the show, her problems, and the strange ticking noise she's constantly hearing, she falls asleep.


Just outside Rhonda's house, there was a figure. The figure had a hood on, and they were staring through a window that showed Rhonda's living room, where she was sleeping.

The strange person walks towards the front door, on the side of the house. They pull out a piece of paper and write something on it with a pen they conveniently had on them. They write something in one side of the paper, and then they click the pen and cap it, folding the paper, putting the pen in their pocket, and sliding the folded paper under the door.

"ᛖᚾᛃᛟᚤ, ᛗᛁᛋᛋ ᚱᚺᛟᚾᛞᚨ.."

("Enjoy, Miss Rhonda..")

The person then takes out a spray can, and moves over to the window by the door. They spray something on the window, put the cap back on the can, and put it in their pocket.

They step back to admire their work, and see Rhonda shift in her place on the couch. They sigh impatiently and turn to the conveniently placed forest by the house, and sprint towards it.

Glitch Infection AU (RQ) [Slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now