Chapter 2

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The figure that attempted to attack Sabre was walking around, furious he couldn't find the human. He gives up, realizing the lightning he heard meant the human had probably teleported. There was no finding him at this very moment. He growls and jumps back into the portal, getting stuck again but freeing himself rather quickly. He's definitely complaining about this to his leader.

He appears in a dark colorful throne room. Well, it's basically colorful but the color is very dark. The figure bows towards the throne, and a very tall man stands up. "Lucas, stand."

Lucas stands up. "Can we like.. make these things smaller? I keep getting stuck in the portals. That's why I didn't catch him, you know."

"I'd advise you not smart talk me, child."

"Sure whatever, are you gonna help me catch him or are you gonna be a useless leader?"

The man growls and flings his hand towards Lucas, using his abilities to throw him into a wall. "Do NOT speak to me like that again or you won't live to see his demise."

Lucas rolls his eyes but nods, and the man lets him go. "How do you plan on finding him? He teleported away from me the second he knew what was happening." Lucas crosses his arms, and his leader thinks for a moment.

"I think you can figure it out, child, since I'm so useless." The man throws his hand out once again, this time pushing Lucas into a portal. "Good luck~"


Sabre, the Yellow Leader, and the Elite Guards appear in front of the new meeting room in a bunch of lightning. Sabre and the Yellow Leader walk in, and the guards stand outside. Some of the leaders are already there, so they just wait for the rest.

The Indigo, Blue, Yellow, Orange, and Green leaders were already there. A few moments pass by as they wait talking to one another, and they hear lightning. They all quiet down as Violet Leader, Light Steve, and M walk into the meeting room.

Everyone sits down and M leans onto the table. "So.. are you gonna tell us why we're here or what?"

Light Steve looks at Sabre, then to M. "As you all know, there have been sightings of glitched portals." Everyone nods. "We saw one."

"They don't seem dangerous, what's worrying you?" Blue Leader crosses his arms over the table.

Suddenly there's lightning outside, and everyone turns to the door. The Guards haven't made any sounds.

The door opens and in comes Professor Red, way too confidently. "Hello, I was told I'd need to be here?" Sabre drags him to the table. "Alright then. What's this about?"

"Thank you for being late and interrupting me." Light Steve says sarcastically.

Professor Red grins. "Of course, anything for you."

Light Steve rolls his eyes. "Moving on, we all know about the glitchy portals appearing correct?" Everyone nods once again. "Sabre, my Elite Guards and I went to check it out, and we found one."

Blue Leader hums. "Again, I don't understand how they're a threat."

"The portals themselves aren't a threat to you." Sabre says.

"And specifically not to us." Light Steve adds.

"What do you mean by that?" Green Leader asks, folding his hands together and putting his elbows on the table. He rests his chin on his fists.

Sabre shakes his head at Light Steve. "Allow me to explain." Light Steve sighs and nods. "So.. you all remember how I'm not from this world?"


"Well, the only reason I'm even here is because of those glitch things." He explains.

Professor Red shifts closer to Sabre. "And how is that, hm?"

Sabre pushes him away with a shove to his face. "Personal space man." He rolls his eyes. "When we saw the portal, there was an.. infected inside of it."

"Infected?! But I thought you said—"

Sabre cuts off Violet Leader, "From my old world. He was.. a good friend of mine. But anyways, that's not the point." He crosses his arms. "These glitch things showed up in my world and attacked us, infected my friends and family, and everyone in that world. I was the only one left. And they're after me. They want to infect me too, and I can be infected." He says.

"And we can't." Light Steve finishes. Sabre nods at him. "We need to find a cure, and to do that.."

Sabre shudders. "We need to capture Lucas."


"Huh? Oh, right. The infected person." He explains.

"Ah. And how do you expect we do that without you getting hurt?" Yellow Leader asks.

"Well, you do realize you could get hurt too, right? All those extra limbs and spikes coming out of his back. Wait.." He laughs a bit. "Spikes.."

Yellow Leader tilts his head. "What about this is funny?"

"You wouldn't understand." He grips his sleeves. "Either way, we need Professor Red when we capture him, so he can maybe try to make a cure. With help of course, but he's the.. smartest we have." He strains the word smartest, clearly having wanted to say something else.

"Right, and how exactly do we kidnap this person?"

Light Steve steps around the table to stand at the front of it. "Well, I was thinking.."


(Warning for this section, there is a single curse/cuss word. It's censored, in a way I've seen them censored.)


"Why won't you just tell me what you did with him?!" A male voice yells.

"Because he isn't important to us and you know it! Stop being so obsessed with him!"

"What did you do to my son, woman?!"

"I sent him away with his bratty friends, what did you think I did?" She moves closer to the man. "We're alone, they can't bother us anymore.."

"Get the h*ll off of me!" The man pushes the woman away and she growls at him.

"Why can't you respect me?!"


The woman scoffs. "He isn't important to us, my love, stop thinking about him."

"You lost the right to call me that a very long time ago." He crosses his arms. "Now I'll ask you one more time, what did you do to my son?"

She rolls her eyes and backs away from him. "You really wanna know?"

He huffs. "Yes. I do."

She smiles devilishly. "Then I guess you can join him!" She throws an empty beer bottle at him and pushes him backwards, throwing her hands out while sparks fly around the room and making him fall into a portal. "I tried being nice.."


"So, we all know what we're doing?"


Just then, they hear a bunch of lightning outside. Before anyone can speak, they hear someone yell out in pain. One of the Elite Guards opens the door and Light Steve runs outside. Sabre runs out as well.

The man stands up in pain and turns to the Guard who ran to him, who is pointing their spear at him. "Who are you?"

"I- don't stab me with that you psychopath! My name is Cliff, and I have absolutely no idea how I got here." He stands up and looks at Sabre. "Oh my god.."

Sabre looks straight at him. "Why do.. you look familiar?"

"She wasn't lying.. I'm.. you're here. You're alive!" Cliff runs over and hugs Sabre. "I missed you so much kiddo.."

Sudden realization washes over Sabre as he hugs back. "Dad?!"

Glitch Infection AU (RQ) [Slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now