Chapter 6

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The infected looks straight at Sabre, and he instantly recognizes his old friend.

"Ryan please don't.."

The infected lunges towards Sabre, but Happy blocks him off with his spear. "GET OUT OF HERE." Time Steve and M drag Sabre and Cliff out while Yellow and Happy fight off the infected.

"They could get hurt, let me help them!"

"Sabre, no. You're not getting yourself infected, with the amount of power you have we can't lose you to this." M shakes his head violently. "You would wipe us all out in an instant."

Sabre breaks his arm free of Time's grip. At that moment, Happy and Yellow are thrown outside. Ryan, the infected, looks at Sabre and runs towards him. Sabre's mad, he runs up to Ryan and turns him over onto his back, sticking his extra limbs into the ground.

"Sabre no!"

Sabre puts a foot on Ryan's neck. "Lay off of my friends, you're here for me, not them." He looks at his friends and his dad, and they're looking at him in shock. He looks down at himself and sees that he's not infected. He clearly remembers instantaneous infection upon touch, so why isn't he infected? His train of thought is broken as Ryan shoves him off and into the wall of the cabin.

"You weren't supposed to be invulnerable. For that, you can't live on." He rips his limbs out of the ground and stands up, tearing one of them out of his back to use as a weapon. Sabre turns to Happy and Yellow, eyeing Happy's spear. He runs for it, and Ryan chases him. He grabs the spear, falling to the ground in doing so, and holds it out over his head as Ryan attempts to rip him in half, blocking the hit. He pushes Ryan back with full force and stands up quickly. This fight isn't over yet.

Sabre turns to his friends. "Get Happy and Yellow, and run." Time and M nod, Cliff hesitates but gives up on his thought to beg Sabre to run as well. He knows he won't back down. Time and M pick up Happy and Yellow, who are unconscious, and they run. Cliff follows behind them, and prays his son will be alright.

Sabre turns back to Ryan just in time to duck, that hit would have left him comatose or destroyed. He jumps backwards, avoiding Ryan as he swings continuously. "Just stop, Ryan! You don't need to do this fam! Snap out of it!"

Ryan growls and rips his limb in half, now duel-wielding his makeshift weapon. Sabre groans. Ryan sprints forwards, and Sabre barely dodges him. One of the half-limbs grazes his shoulder. Ryan plummets to the ground, his detached bones now stuck in the ground. He decides to trash them and just stands up, turning back to Sabre. "Sabre, give up."

"Never!" He gets into an overrated fighting stance, holding his weapon over his chest as if to protect himself.

"I'd like to know why you're immune, maybe we'll find a way to override that special ability of yours." Ryan taunts him. As if he'd let Ryan win this fight.

Sabre charges towards him, the infected man turns around. Sabre brings his spear up and swings it back down quickly, cutting off most of the excess bones on his friend's back.

Ryan had hoped Sabre would have been impaled, but at least he doesn't have to deal with those annoying spikes anymore. He bends over to pick up one of the dead bones and swings it around, knocking Sabre off of his feet.  "Give. Up."


Ryan laughs and stands up, pressing his foot down onto Sabre's chest. He's about to strike him down, but something stops him. A string of webs attach themselves to his arms and pull him back. Sabre instantly stands up. He doesn't know what that was but he's not letting Ryan know that. "I think it's time you gave up." He walks over to Ryan and puts a hand on his forehead. "Wake up." Sabre pushes him backwards and he passes out. The glitchy particles that were constantly forming around his friend's body are now gone.

Sabre sighs in relief. He has no clue how he did that. He looks up from his friend's unconscious body and into the forest, seeing red eyes staring at him. They suddenly disappear, and he's just left confused. 'What just happened?'

He looks around confused and notices his friends are running back to him. His father wraps him in a tight hug. "What were you thinking?!"

Sabre looks back at Ryan's body. "I wasn't." He hugs his dad back just as tightly. "I think I cured him, dad."

Yellow and Happy walk over to Ryan. "I think you actually did!"

Sabre and Cliff let go of each other. "I don't know how I did it though.." He confesses. He walks over and kneels down next to Ryan. "Any of you think you can grab a Green or Violet Steve?" He looks at his comrades.

M nods. "We could bring one here or take him there?"

Sabre shakes his head. "Bring one here, I want him to feel safe when he wakes up. We're kind of close." He looks back at his friend and smiles sadly.

M nods. "Alright then." He teleports away.

Cliff looks at Time. "He'll be able to make it back right-?"

Time laughs a bit. "Yes. I assure you he'll be back soon."

"Isn't this waiting gonna be boring?"

Happy nods. "Yyyup."


They decided to play eye spy while they waited. It was Sabre's turn, before M teleported back with the Green Leader. They all groan, but are relieved because they're finally done waiting. It hadn't even been that long, they were just impatient and bored.

Green Leader walks over to Ryan and looks over him, seeing what's wrong and what he can do to heal him. "Since he isn't a steve I have no idea if I can heal him." He says, and Sabre looks down. "I didn't say I won't try though." To prove his point, he asks everyone to stay back. They do, and he puts his hands on Ryan's head and chest.

He uses a lot of energy for this, almost passing out even. Time Steve takes him back to his kingdom and instantly teleports back to make sure his friends are okay.

They wait a few minutes before Ryan jolts up gasping for air, surprising them all to the point they jump backwards. He looks around and his eyes stop on the two people he recognizes.

"Sabre? C-Cliff?!"

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