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Heavy, not wanting to carry this out for longer than he needed too, quickly turned to leave, carrying his gun with the hand that wasn't currently holding you.

You were relieved to leave the medbay

The halls were quiet as Heavy walked you down them. It was exactly how it was earlier when you were wandering them. The only new sound now being the loud footsteps the large man took. Once a decent bit away from the medbay your eyes began to change back to their original color and your wings along with them...your wings had never acted this way before. Ever since your wings had caught fire when you burned down the building they would do weird things when you started feeling strong in certain emotions...or maybe you only found this ability now because they would usually knock you out before you could ever feel any type of emotion...Heavy looked down to see you lost in thought.

'I wonder what leetle gurl ees thinking about...what would leetle gurl have to think about?...ees probably very scared...should keep an eye on her...' Heavy soon made it back to the weapons room. He set you down on a nearby bench before bringing his gun back to where it was before he heard Medics yelling. He got back to polishing his beloved gun and the room fell silent. Since he knew you couldn't speak he found it hard to find a way to talk to you, so silence was the best option. Soon, being the child you were, you grew bored of sitting, bored of stood from the bench you were sat on and began looking around. A lot of the weapons in the room were familiar to you. They had been training you to use some of them for the past couple of years now. Specifically knives. They had trained you in many ways to use many different types of knives. Other than that they taught you the basics of some combat fighting and very minimal teachings on guns. They had only just started getting into the guns when you had run you examined the weapons Heavy watched you with both an analyzing and cautious eye. He was making sure you didn't go grabbing at them. He could see something in the way you looked at them though...they didn't look like foreign objects to you, you actually seemed very familiar with them...that gave him a good reason for concern. As you looked from cubby to cubby you continued to analyze each weapon. Your eyes stopped at one specific cubby though. It was filled with various types of knives, each one catching your attention for a moment. You were about to reach for one when the loud man's booming voice found its way to your ears.

"Does leetle gurl have experience with weapons?" His voice made you stop what you were doing and turn to him. You quickly nodded to his question. Though it was not something he wanted a little girl such as yourself to know too much about, it wasn't like he could make you unlearn it. It's actually probably good that you at least know some type of defense if you're going to be staying with them...but that was still a rather big if...That didn't stop him from wondering just what type of person would train such a small girl with weapons. Then again...

You weren't just a little girl...

He decided that now wasn't the time to bring it up though. He instead gestured for you to come to him. You quickly obeyed. Even if he was frankly terrifying to you, he seemed to hold this air of calm. Still, his gaze analyzed your every move. It wasn't a new type of sensation to you, but it wasn't welcomed either. He gestured to the seat beside him. You quickly took it, keeping an eye out for any sudden movements. He then continued his cleaning and overall care of the large gun but kept most of his attention on you.

"So...leetle gurls name ees 172?" You hesitantly nodded. His nose crinkled a bit. He wasn't too fond of calling you a bunch of numbers, but it wasn't like he was allowed to give you a name...some of the men might be a bit upset if he did that without talking to them first...
"I am Heavy weapons guy...leetle men call me Heavy...and thees" He looked at his gun with pure glee washing over his face.
"Thees ees my weapon. She weighs 150 kilograms and fires 200 dollar custom-tailored carriages at 10000 rounds per meenute. Eet takes 400 thousand dollars to fire thees weapons...for 12 seconds'' a look of amazement grew on your face the more he spoke. A truly amazing least he seemed to think so. He seemed rather infatuated with the gun. You would have touched it but some inner part of your being told you that, that was an absolutely terrible idea. Instead, you looked to him with a smile to assure he knew you found it cool. His heart melted at your smile. It reminded him of his younger reminded him of his younger sisters...he seemed to feel a sense that he should protect you...

(Old Version) Monsters and Men (Platonic Mercs X Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now