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How was he going to break this news? Would they even believe him? Would the others still try to get rid of you? Should you stay here? Where else would you go?

So many questions with so many unfavorable answers...


You were once again startled awake by what sounded like metal banging together. You jolted and immediately went to stand but two arms kept you from getting up. Confused and scared you quickly looked up to what was holding you down. You soon remembered the happenings of last night and realized why you were held down. Coming down from your initial shock you tried to carefully move out of the man's grip. This proved unsuccessful as he groaned in annoyance before pulling you back, like a little kid with their stuffed toy. Being unable to move from his grip you stopped moving as to not wake him up in fear that he might get angry. You instead tried to hear what was going on. You continued to hear the banging which turned out to be the banging of pots and pans. Listening closer you began to hear a voice.

"GET YOUR ASSES UP YOU UNAMERICAN MAGGOTS!" Ah, so it's just how everyone wakes up in the morning. Makes sense. Just as you had figured out what was going on you realized that the yelling was getting closer. You soon realized that he was coming to this room. Feeling a growing sense of dread as to what might happen when he sees you, you tried to remain still and prepared for anything.

One of the very first things you remembered learning was how to act depending on the people around you. You knew which people to straighten your back around and which ones preferred it when you kept your head down. The problem now was that you've never been around people like this before, therefore you had no clue what was the preferred action to take. This left you with the only option of keeping your guard up and being prepared for anything until you found out their patterns.

Eventually, the screaming and banging came down the hall and into the room. Once he'd made it into the room he stopped, mostly because he saw you. You looked over to him and froze, unsure of what he would do. Slowly his look turned to one of confusion. Then he broke the silence with a scream.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAGGOT!?" The yell caused you to cover your ears in slight pain along with wincing slightly. You had always had very sensitive hearing so being yelled even that close could be compared to someone screaming directly in your ear. Once you realized he had stopped screaming you slowly pulled your hands away from your ears and continued to stare at him. You had no way to communicate, no way for him to understand you and you were currently in no position to go find something to help you. Once he got no response you saw the anger take hold of his face. He stomped over to you, easily towering over and covering you in his looming shadow. He looked down and between you and Demo with slight anger that was mostly pulled from his confusion. Realizing that you had to find some way to explain what was happening to him you decided to demonstrate what was happening. You tried to get up but once again the one-eyed man pulled you back, like a toddler with their favorite toy. Soldier, realizing the situation, decided to try and help you...

His help did more harm than good in most cases, this being no exception.

"WAKE UP!" He screamed at Demo and you once again covered your ears. This got no reaction from the sleeping man. Soldier hadn't ever had to wake Demo up before because everyone knew that it was basically hopeless. Not only was Demo a very heavy sleeper, but his alcohol also contributed to his death-like sleep. As Soldier continued to scream you continued to be put through pain. It was as if someone was blaring an air horn against your ear.

Medic had already been awakened by the daily noise Soldier made in the morning and let me tell you, with the late meeting and the night before of no sleep, he was not in a happy mood. It especially didn't make it better when Soldiers screaming continued on for longer than it normally would. Growing tired of the noise Medic stomped down the halls to confront him, not even bothering to change out of his pajamas. Finding Soldier was possibly the easiest thing to do since the screaming was clearly audible as he grew closer. Only once he had turned down the hall did he see the situation. Immediate panic took hold of him once he noticed you covering your ears with your eyes tightly shut. You were very clearly in distress. He then felt his anger double as he very quickly made it to the situation with the intent of helping you.

(Old Version) Monsters and Men (Platonic Mercs X Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now