New Trust

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The sounds that once came from the room down the hall silenced and were replaced by feet rapidly running toward the door

Engie was first out the door when the scream rang. He didn't need to question, he knew exactly who it was and why they screamed. He practically slammed the door open before looking around the halls. His eyes quickly landed on Pyro. Pyros arms were tightly wrapped around your body as you kicked and screamed. Pyro oh so happily squeezed you as they pet your wings. Engie ran in the direction of Pyro, hoping to stop the fire lover from hurting you further.

"PAHRO!" Pyro turned to him, still holding you in their arms. Pyro tilted their head in confusion. 
"Put. The girl. Down" Engies voice grew very dark and it outright terrified the firebug. Pyro listened and dropped you to the floor. You quickly stood to run away, not wanting to stick around to face your punishment. You made it only a couple of steps when your legs gave out under you. You fell to the ground but, knowing better than to show weakness, you wasted no time sitting up and turning towards the men. You attempted to get back up but your legs refused. The bird quickly landed on your shoulder again and tried to comfort you. It didn't work though as you noticed nine terrifying men looming just down the hall. Your eyes devolved into a darker color as you stared at the strangers. You began scooting back as they all stared at you. Engie started slowly walking toward you, he could tell you were scared so he tried to come off as non-threatening as possible.

"Shshshs, it's okay darlin...we're not here ta hurt ya..." Engie tried to shush you as he spoke with the calmest voice you've ever heard come from someone. It more than confused you which only terrified you more. You continued to back farther away from him. Your bird friend, not understanding Engies words, seemed to have thought that Engie took a step too close and, to defend you, he went right into action and flew into Engies face. This caused Engie to get flustered and take a few steps back. After Engie was far enough, the bird made it back to your shoulder. His feathers ruffled as he stood in a fighting stance.

"Coo coo coo coo coo co(don't worry...I won't let them hurt you)" you gave a slight nod to the bird, taking comfort in his words. In no time at yall your back hit a wall which send another wave of fear through you...

You were trapped...

You stared at the men in front of you as your heartrate quickened and your breathing became out of control. It only took moments before your eyes were pitch black.

"ARCHIMEDES! GET AVAY FROM HER ZIS INSTANT'' One of them yelled earning a squeak of fear from you. Your bird friend looked back to you with concern before turning back to Medic with a coo of defiance. Medics look of anger quickly turned to confusion. Archimedes never deliberately disobeyed him, especially when it came to new patients...

Well unless it was to cuddle into their chest cavities but hey, Medic should know better than to have him around for surgeries at this point.

Still, after being told no he would usually stop what he was doing, He was a mostly trained bird!

What made you so important?

Engie gained his cool after a few seconds and glared at the bird who angrily cooed at him. You still felt as if you were choking on air. What would they do to you? Would they take your wings? Inject more needles? Throw burning chemicals on you? You had no idea. You were terrified of what would happen.

The possibilities were endless...

As the mostly unknown feeling of fear began to truely grip at you, your wings began to turn a tinge of black. The changes still went unnoticed by the men. The movement Engie took another step, Archimedes showed that he was threatened. His feathers puffed out further and he was ready to attack if Engie made any other sudden movements. Engie stopped in his tracks. He knew he had to get to you, but he wouldn't get anywhere close with the bird in the way and the last thing he wanted to do was have all the guys rush you at once. He slowly took a couple steps back until he made it to where the men stood. He turned to them

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