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You were becoming physically tense and very uncomfortable. Soon there was the sound of jingling keys, though the yelling in your ears was too loud for you to notice


Finally Medic came back, now dressed in his usual uniform. He stopped at the door when he saw you with your hand on the fridge along with the two fighting birds. Being already irritable this morning he was not pleased to see you had not only disobeyed him and stood from your spot, but that you were about to go snooping into things you shouldn't be around. His brain completely looked past the two yelling birds, seeing as the two often got into fights, and instead put all blame on you, forgetting for a moment that you could talk to the birds and that they might have somthing to do with you currently disobeying him.

You turned around to face him when you heard the doors close. Both of the birds simultaneously fell silent on your shoulders which was almost worse than their yelling. When you recognized who was now standing infront of you, you felt Immideate dread. You shrunk under the intense gaze of the doctor as he glared you down. Both birds began to grow on the defensive in case something were to happen. Bottling up the anger that only continued to swell in him he slowly pointed to the chair you were supposed to be in with intense power in each movement. When he raised his hand you slightly flinched, being almost sure that he was going to hit you. After a moment of not feeling pain you noticed he was pointing so you waited for his words.

"Sit" his demanded in a tone on the brink of snapping. Lowering your head slightly you didn't hesitate to follow the order. You made it to the chair and quickly sat back down. Your mind raced with past instances like this as you wondered what your punishment might be this time. You didn't feel so much scared as you were ashamed. You had disappointed and angered a doctor and you knew for a fact that it only ever ended badly when you upset doctors.

Medic watched you walk over to the chair before he went to his desk. He had to get a few papers in order before he could even think about anything else. They had battle later today and he knew better than to save paperwork for after a battle.

Archimedes was concerned with your body language and unsure of what to do about it. He tried snuggling against you but it gained almost no reaction from you.

" coo coco? (...are you okay?)" He tried asking. Even him speaking didn't gain your attention. You simply kept your head down, ignoring the bird that had gotten you into this situation. By no means did you blame Archimedes for what was most likely going to happen to you though. You were the one who left your chair, you were the one that disregarded Medics words, you were the reason the doctor was no irritated and angry. So, not looking to make any of this worse than you've already made it, you stayed cold, silent and still.

While there were a few dozen rules deeply embedded in your head over the years, remaining silent had to be in the top three. Making noise almost never made anything better for you. You had found that, unless they had their attention on you, most people would prefer to act as if you didn't exist. It was hard to do that if they were reminded with small sounds or shuffles from you.

Medic began to go through his many papers with the chicken scratch handwriting that only showed up when he was angered. It was only once he had gotten through about half of the papers that something caught his eye. He paused once he saw it. The paper was half-hidden under his paperwork but he recognized the part sticking out. Slowly he reached over and pulled the loose paper into his hands. His eyes drifted over the familiar drawing that had left him somewhat horrified when he first saw it. A drawing of him, or more so a shadow with a sadistic smile on its face, was cutting up and mutilating someone on an operating table. Now things like that never usually disturbed him, in fact it was a clear representation of what most people see him as...

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