Chapter 3

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"What do we got today lieutenant?" Commissioner James Gordon asks an officer. "Girl got sexually assaulted. Down in the narrows," the officer replied. Gordon nods before looking at other files. "What's this?" The officer looked at the file Gordon had. "Oh that sir? It's just a report someone put out on Oswald. Comes from anonymous. Just some fake shit to make us think that Oswald is some bad guy," he says looking away. Gordon nods and takes one more look at the file. "Is that so?"

The Bat Signal was shining at the sky. Gordon waits, sipping his coffee and holding the file in another hand. "A bit late don't you think Commissioner?" Batman emerges from the shadows. "Got nothing better to do. Barbara says she wants this position but can't even keep her eyes open at this time. Eh, who am I kidding? She's just a kid." Batman sees the file in Gordon's hands. "What's that for?" he asks. Gordon opens it and shows the reports. "An anonymous sent this. Some of this is just too unbelievable and some is just.. actually something I would expect from the guy. Like look at this." Gordon shows pictures of the board that Tatsu had seen. Multiple pictures showed the plans he had and wanting to eliminate Wayne. "So Cobblepot IS up to something.." Gordon looks at Batman. "What do you mean, 'IS'? You been following this?" Batman nodded as he continued looking. "Mind if I analyze this? Could be useful." Gordon sighed and rubbed his eyes, "I don't know.. if the guys knew about this they-" He was gone. Along with the file. "Batman?"

"What do you mean you didn't send these pictures in to the GCPD? You aren't anonymous?!" I ask Tatsu as I head back to the BatCave. She shakes her head on the monitor, "No! Those are the exact pictures of the footage I got but nobody else was there. AND I wouldn't just send in those pictures recklessly." I groaned. Who would've done this then? 


A noise is heard from the front of the Batmobile. "What the hell?" I thought. I got out and checked the front. "Ow my head.." A helpless man, in messed up green attire, was favoring his head on the ground. "Are you okay?" I ask. The man grunts and gets up, slowly standing up. "I'm.. okay.." he says as he slowly collapses. I catch him, and study him. I look around and saw a sign that was titled, "Brilliant Scientist Available now!" I sighed and used a med kit to help stop any bruising and pain for the head, so he'd wake up the next morning perfectly fine. I set him down against fence, with some food next to him since he looked like he hasn't eaten in days. I sat back in the Batmobile, and thought for a moment. "This better be a good idea Matthew," I thought before leaving. 


"Uh Master Wayne, if I may ask, why are we heading down here in the Narrows?" Alfred asks as he drives the limo. I look out the window and smile. "This is for a good cause Alfred. Trust me." 

"I have no idea why I woke up on the ground but I just need to get changed.." Nigma said, tiredly. He walked into the apartment building and sighed. "Hey freakkk!! How's your sleeping schedule so far? Looks like you can't sleep out here because you look like a fucking mess, must be those lovebirds enjoying every second they get huh? You can't even sleep outside because.. it's Gotham! Surprised the birds haven't eaten you up yet hahaa," the clerk said. Edward nodded and went up to his room. "Fuckkk it's so big! Yeahhh babbyyyy!!" Nigma heard next to him as he walked by. "And I'M the freak..?" He walks into his room and squeezes through, getting new clothes. The suit was still a dark green but it wasn't even clean. Still messy, just less worse than the one he had. "I'm going to make it.." Edward steps out the door and heads back downstairs. He takes a deep breath and goes back to waving the sign.

I keep looking around through the window. "Wait wait, here Alfred." Alfred stops and I step out of the limo. I see the same man I hit last night. I walked towards the man. "Stop trying! You're so sad.." the comments were said to him. I could see the pain in his eyes as he continued trying. I step in front of him and set 50 dollars in his dirty green hat. "I'm not sure if this is a performance or if you're using the hat for money. But either way, good job." I smiled and adjusted my suit. The man gulped as he looked at me. "M-Matthew Wayne.. oh God wow you are more fancy in person! I.. ahem um, I'm so surprised. You must be a busy man and seeing me is probably just so embarrassing. I'm not dressed right or anything ugh," the man said as he struggled to look the part in front of me. I laugh and shake my head, "No that's not necessary trust me. But I AM a busy man which is why I came here, to give you this." I handed a paper to the man. He gasped, looking at it in awe. "A-A contract..?" I nod and hand him a pen. "Brilliant scientists are most certainly needed right now. And I believe you can do some good there. That is if you want this opportunity sir." He nods as he continues looking at the contract. Once he takes the pen and signs, he jumps excitedly. "Can I start today?" I nod and whistle. Alfred was carrying suitcases, setting them down in the car. "We decided to even get you a new place Mr..?" I ask. "Oh uh, Edward Nigma sir! Edward Nigma." I smile and take my hand out. "Welcome to Wayne Enterprises Edward Nigma." He shakes my hand and smiles back. 

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