Chapter 8

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A dark red sky is covering Gotham City, in flames. Matthew Wayne walks in the middle of the city, seeing bodies laid out everywhere. "Alfred.. where are you?!" He sees people dying left and right, blood spilt all over every wall in Gotham. He hears a laugh, echoing all over the city. "Why.. why me..?" he asked. "Oh Batsy.. it will always be you." A shadow appears in front of him, teeth sticking out widely with a smile, laughing. Alfred then shows up behind him, blood all over him. "NO! ALFRED!" Matthew runs towards him but the father figure disappears suddenly. Selina then shows up the same way, and certain children after. Matthew couldn't help but collapse onto his knees and sob. Two black dress shoes then step in front of him. Matthew looked up to see a silhouette of green hair, and a purple suit. "Oh boohoo. Come on Batsy turn that frown upside down.. it's funny." The man says as he pulls out a pistol, aiming it at Matthew's head. "Why are you doing this.." Matthew says quietly, tears continuing to pour down his cheek. The man with green hair chuckled, "Because without you.. I'm just a joke. Without the punchline.." 


"NOOOO!!" I get up quickly. My heart beating like a drum, hard against my chest. I rub my face. "What the hell was that.." Alfred busted in through the door, looking worried. "Something wrong sir?! I heard a yell." I shook my head, "Everything's fine Alfred. Just a nightmare." Alfred sighs and leaves the room. I calm down for a few minutes before seeing the Batsignal in the sky, outside my window. I looked at the time. "It's seven pm, isn't it a little too early for anything right now Gordon?" I say to myself. 


"Gordon? What's going on?" Batman steps into the light of the signal. Gordon looked worried, a file in his hands. "Christ, look at this." He hands the file to him. "What is this?" A picture of an older man and woman, bloody and dead on the floor, was shown. "Those are umm.. Patrick and Dianne Nigma. Edward's parents." The words that came out of Gordon's mouth shocked Matthew. "The color of the blood looks recent." Gordon nodded at him, "A neighbor of theirs heard screaming from the house." Batman continued looking through the pictures, "Have your men started looking for anything?" "Well yeah but I was wondering if you'd come and check it out yourself." 


Jim and Batman walk onto the former property of the Nigma's. Police tape and officers surrounding the premises. An officer speaks to an old lady, the neighbor, about the incident. The two go past the police tape at the door, joining the other officers. "Commissioner." An officer steps up to Gordon. "Lieutenant Ramirez. Has anyone found anything?" The Lieutenant shook his head. "Just this note on the table sir," Ramirez says, handing a green note to Gordon. Batman looked at the bodies. He sighed as Gordon read the note. 

"If you look at the numbers on my face, you won't find 13 anyplace," Gordon read. Batman turned around, "What?" Gordon shrugged. "It's a riddle." Batman grabbed it from him. "Any fingerprints around here?" Ramirez shook his head. "Guy is actually smart, even the murder weapon, blood but no prints." Gordon continued to look around for any clues. Batman looked around as well, seeing a mirror. He stared at something beside it though. A clock.

"Won't find 13 anyplace." he said as he continued looking at the clock. "Gordon. A clock." Jim turned around. "Huh?" Batman pointed at the riddle, "A clock. There isn't 13 anyplace.. it stops at 12." Gordon walked over and grabbed the clock. Behind the clock was another note. "Holy shit you're right," Jim says as he grabs the note. "It says 'what is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end, and the end of every race?" Everyone stays silent. 

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