Chapter 4

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Abandoned Warehouse 

The Bat Signal is shining bright in the sky this very dark night. Gordon is waiting for Batman. "Any news on Oswald?" Batman emerges from the shadows. Gordon shakes his head no. "Nothing, but there is something strange." Gordon gets closer to Batman, whispering almost. "Any one of my men that has mentioned Oswald or the file on him, keep saying any evidence towards him is fake. It's like they all believe he's innocent.." Jim says as he puts his hand on his chin. "Do you believe he is?" Batman asks. Gordon looks at him, "Gee, I don't know. Look whatever is going on with him, it isn't bad to the point where we're in danger. So IF he is up to something, we got enough time to find out." The Caped Crusader nods. His attention then turns to a shadow like figure, jumping on a rooftop in front of them. "Selina.." Gordon lifts an eyebrow at him. "Um what?" Batman brushes past him and sighs, "Fill me in once some new information is out. A couple of pictures aren't enough, we need more Jim." Gordon stutters trying to get some words out but Batman already went off. 

"Selina!" The figure with the pointed ears turned around. Selina, The Catwoman, was in her suit and carrying a bag full of jewelry. She stops in the middle of her tracks and put her hand on her hip. "Heya honey, didn't know you were willing to chase me tonight." Batman grappled towards her. "Don't think too much about it. What's been going on with Cobblepot?" She snickered at the question. Rolling her eyes, she said, "I'm not some rat, Batsy. I told you, I wouldn't tell ya.." He looks down at the bag. "Looks expensive." She nods, "He'd love this. Or maybe.." She moved back a little and put the bag behind her. "Maybe I just might keep it." Batman's eyes widen and Selina kicks him. He stumbles and she starts running. Selina steps on the edge of the building, before jumping onto the one in front. Batman grunts and gets up. He grabs his grappling hook, and aims it at the building she jumps on. Selina notices and continues running, looking to lose him. He grapples and makes it over to the building. "Selina!" She smirks and keeps running. "This is fun! We should do this more often!" 

The chase continues until a sudden fog comes. Batman is blinded by the fog. "Shit.." He hears footsteps and sees her walking away in the distance. He aims his grappling hook at her before a voice comes in through his cowl. "Matthew?!" Batman is startled and jumps back. He accidentally pulls the trigger and misses the hook. Before you know it, she was gone. He groans and shakes his head. "Luke?" "Yeah it's me. Sorry for the sudden call, you weren't busy right?" Batman looks around and smacks his lips. "Not at all."

"Alright well this could be very important. There's a break in at.. well. Wayne Enterprises." Batman calls for the Batmobile, then dusting himself off. "It's Oswald's men." Batman gets in and calls for the computer. "Yes sir." The cameras show up on the screen. Multiple men are walking into the building. "All are armed." "Yeah.. I see that." As he looks closer at the cameras, he sees a short man with a coat. "Oswald." He grunts and starts up the Batmobile. "Alfred and I will keep in check from here. Tatsu is already on her way." He stops what he's doing and looks confused. "Wait what? No. Who told her to?!" Another voice comes on the com. "I chose to Matt." Tatsu tells him, as she is riding on her motorcycle to the location. Matthew sighs and starts the car again. "Shit." 

Wayne Enterprises

"Tatsu." Batman gets out of the Batmobile, walking up to her. He shortly arrived a couple of seconds after she did. Tatsu is wearing a black and white suit, red wrapped around her waist. As well as a black mask, and her katana on the side. "I came to help." He sighs, "It's dangerous. And don't mention Anarky. You barely made it out of there!" She rolled her eyes, "Look, I still managed on my own right? You need help Matthew." A sudden noise comes from the building. "Come on then. Follow me." He grapples up to the building, her following after. 

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