Chapter 13

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Nigma Residence.

I arrived at the house. I got out of the car and slowly made my way to the front porch. The door was slightly opened. I open it slowly, making sure there aren't any traps. 

"Don't worry Matt. I don't have any more tricks or puzzles. For now," I heard a voice say. I walk in and see Edward Nigma sitting in a chair. "Ya know, my father sat in this chair any time he ate. Read the papers.. cheated on my mother. It was this exact chair that I found my father, making out with some random woman from wherever the fuck the pathetic man picked her up from. My poor old mother dealt with him for so long." He touched a wall next to him. "I just wonder how much she felt at peace knowing my father was gone.. and so was she."

I stepped in front of him. "You killed your father after he killed your mother." Riddler nodded, "I didn't know what came over. It was a feeling that I somehow felt before but never acted on it." I shook my head. "No Ed. You knew what you were doing. I know everything now." He scoffed. "Is that so? Well then.." Nigma crossed his legs. "Enlighten me."

"I found out that you killed an apartment worker. Not just any apartment worker, but someone from YOUR specific complex. You also killed your neighbors next to you. Seeing the file, they were known as loud and very intimate. Something that I know would irritate you.." He laughed at my words. "You are absolutely correct. Carry on," he said. I continued, "After that, you started picturing things. Picturing yourself as this kind and innocent soul. When you were just carrying on your days after three murders. You knew how to cover up your acts, to not have you as a suspect at all. Much like your parents' murder.."

"Suddenly, your 'other side' started doing the Riddler things. You had it out to gain that respect and power you've always wanted. You started by being the anonymous, sending evidence of Penguin. But specifically.. the evidence my partner got. THAT is how you found out who I really am. You somehow tapped into my system, or stalked us to be able and retrieve those photos. But at some point you saw my name, or heard one of the people I knew call me by my real name." He clapped, fast. "Wow great! You solved the pu-"

"I'm not finished." He stopped, and sat back. "After that, you purposely put yourself in front of my car. You already knew that I'd come back. Funny how you said Christina could be good at acting when you deserve Oscar of the year for the performance you put on as Edward Nigma. You played it well, so well to the point where you began to think that the kind and innocent side you played, was real. It worked to the point where it got you a girlfriend. And you let her in on it, knowing damn well where it was going to lead to. After that, you came to your parents' house. Not to show the diagram, but to finally shut your father up and make him pay for what he did to you and your family for so long. Afterwards, you covered it up and finally started to make that name for yourself.. as the Riddler. With the one person who always brought you down out of the picture, you could finally move on with your plan."

Riddler smiled, continuing to listen. "You told Christina what you did, the night you told her about your parents' death. That's why she was always on your side. You persuaded her. Manipulated her into thinking that you're doing good. And she went along. You broke Oswald out of Arkham in order to get what you wanted, but you knew how we was treating you as Edward Nigma. So you double crossed him, took what he always wanted. Becoming mayor, AND getting the Mind Elevate. The 'other side' of you was never controlling you Ed. You were always in control." 

Riddler clapped, slowly while laughing. "Well done! World's Greatest Detective am I right?" He got up, waving his cane around. "Yeah.. I may have started to get a little confused with the bump at the speech attack. But, I saw things clearly. Now here I am. About to show what I am capable of." I stepped in front of him, stepping on a piece of floor. The floor pressed down and a dart came out from the wall. I stepped back, dodging it. "No more tricks huh?" I said.

He laughed, "Oh I knew that would happen. It was just more of a test to see whether or not I was right." I stepped closer. "You need help Edward," I said. He shook his head. "Don't you dare pull out those cuffs," he said. I looked confused. "How did you.." I looked over at the table and saw the Mind Elevate. "You used it. Edward do you have any id-" He hit me with the cane. I fell back, scrunching up my nose. "Yes. I do have an idea of what I just did." He starts punching me, knocking me into the furniture. 

I fall back every time. Every punch I try to land, he dodges. "Give it up. Your attacks are useless when I know every single move you will do." I punch him while he was talking, looking to get the upper hand. He gets knocked down, grunting. "Ow! These glasses are new," he said on the floor. I kicked him, knocking me down. I grabbed the Mind Elevate. "Wait please! NO! That is my future.. it will determine what's next in life for me. IT'LL GIVE ME MY PATH!" he yelled. I kept him down with my foot. "You made your path the moment you became this.." I said, smashing it on the floor. 

"NOOO!" he yelled. He started grabbing his hair and pulling on it. He began screaming. "NO NO NOOO!" He crawled to the pieces. "I'm sorry Ed. But you need to get some serious help," I said. He nodded. "You're right.. absolutely. Thank you.." Riddler sniffed, his voice breaking. He then got his cane, turning it on the bottom end, making a sharp object poke out. Edward aimed it at my stomach, stabbing me after. I fell back, groaning and covering the stab wound. "Agh! Shit.." I said, holding onto the wound. 

Riddler got up slowly, hair messed up, glasses broken, all bloody. He grabbed a gun and smirked. "Now.. riddle me this Batman. I am always around but unseen. I am often avoided but never outrun. I could find you at the end of the road or even the next corner. What am I?" He cocked the pistol, ready to pull the trigger. "Death." He laughed, until a gun shot was heard. 

I looked up and saw Nigma, covering his chest. His face went pale and blank, falling on his back. I got up and saw Gordon at the front door with his pistol out. "That's for my son, you son of a bitch," he said. He ran over to me, helping me stand. "You alright?" he asked, looking at the blood drip on the floor. I nod, favoring the stab wound. I kneeled down, to check his pulse. 

"Still breathing. Get paramedics, take him to Arkham," I said. Gordon sighed, calling for them to come. I got up, looking at the scene. "Edward Nigma is gone. There's no saving him. Keeping him at Arkham and giving him any treatment is just to refrain him and prevent any more chaos from the Riddler." Gordon nodded, "Yeah. Look I'm sorry I wasn't able to help earlier-"

"You had to be with your son. I understand," I said. "Oh by the way, we saw Cobblepot and Black and Bullock running like maniacs on the street. Along with the big henchmen at Gotham Square. Plus Nigma, this is a big day for us. Locking up more than 50 people. You're doing us a favor," Gordon said. 

I nod. "Let me know if you need anything else Gordon." I grappled my way out of the house. Hearing the sirens in the distance, looking to take Edward Nigma away.

The Riddler being taken away. 

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