Chapter 6

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"Shit." Gordon is in his office, frustrated from the event that just happened. "So nobody can find Bullock or Blake?" The officer in front of his desk shook his head no. Gordon sighs and tells the officer to head out. Gordon locks the door once the officer is out. The phone rings and Jim picks it up. "Hello? Yeah honey I'm okay. I'm busy right now, the guys are coming in with reports every minute. I know I know.. tell Barbara I'll see her later tonight to help out with her project. Maybe.. hello?" Gordon sighs and sets the phone back down. 

"Trouble, Commissioner?" A dark voice is heard in the dark part of the room. "Pretty early for you don't ya think?" Batman brings his head out into the light a little. "Why did the two turn their back on you?" Gordon looked at the shadow and shrugged. "I don't fucking know! They weren't even the only ones. More of my men stepped down, part of Oswald's crew." He sat at the edge of his desk and rubbed his eyes. "He had half of my guys working for him. Two-faced sons of bitches. In his grasp." Batman stepped out and grabbed one of the files. "I thought someone I knew sent you these pictures. But they didn't. I didn't." Gordon looked over at him. "You saying someone is out to get Oz?" Batman nodded, "Maybe. Possibly, but they're obviously staying anonymous. Also no new information. Keep me updated Jim." The commissioner nodded. 

"Is Nigma okay? I heard he got injured in the crowd's panic." Batman asked before leaving. "Eh, last I heard from Gotham General was that he had some mild brain damage. He could be a little woozy for the time being." Batman sighed, leaving without a sound.


The BatCave

"Anything?" Alfred says once he comes out of the elevator. I shook my head and set the phone down. "I just wanted to make sure they're okay Alfred. I saw them there.." Alfred set down the plate of food on the table and sat next to me. "I'm sure they can manage their own Matthew. But as they continue to take their break, you should really be focusing a lot more on the Cobblepot situation." 

"I know I know. But so far I got nothing." I pull up the entire file on the computer, more pictures and footage from Tatsu. "As much and big this stuff is, we basically already won Alfred. He's stepped down from mine or any other partnerships. But there's something else.. I just can't put my finger on it. He said he wanted all the power right? To be on top? He's already up there.." I keep looking at everything on the screen. "More problems with whoever is sending those pictures. If it wasn't me or Tatsu. Or any of us, then who else? Plus Nigma got hurt. Gordon lost some of his men.. where did it all go wrong Alfred?" I turn my chair around and set my head down. 

Alfred puts his hand on my shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. "It is hard sir." I rub my head, "If my parents were here, they'd tell me to keep going. But they'd definitely laugh. I mean look at the shit I've gotten myself into. I dragged someone innocent like Ed into this and now he's in a hospital bed cause of me. Tatsu and Luke are gone, GCPD is decreasing with their men. Oswald is still managed to stay on top even with the slightest damage towards him." 

Alfred sighs, "I know you're seeing the negative parts of all this but look at the positives Master Wayne. You are still trying to help out Gordon as much as you can, during times like this I don't think he's ever needed the Batman this much. Nigma was just a lad who was being mistreated on the side of the road, but you gave him a purpose that he even undoubtedly thanked you for." Alfred continued, "I know things aren't the best right now but you have got to keep your head up Matthew." I look up at him, a smile slightly forming. 

"What would I do without you Alfred.." Alfred grinned and scoffed, playfully. "Perhaps getting drunk and having countless parties here at the mansion with as much naked women you could get sir." He got up and went back up the elevator. 

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