Chapter 1

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I was in a vast, leafy forest, with a gloomy and cold atmosphere. The chirping of crickets, the hooting of some owls, and the slight brush of the branches that were tangled by the wind were heard. The chills I felt around my body didn't pass by for being in this frivolous place.  I walked among the trees, bushes and some caves, but I couldn't find a way out of this torment. That increased the terror inside me. 

I was lost, alone, and with no reason to be lost in a place like this. My body was fatigued from wandering around for no reason and I leaned against a rough tree for some comfort.  But when I rested my arm on it, I felt that it had a very peculiar characteristic, it was not made of wood.

Surprised I slipped my hands and found an opening, I forced it and with it a small door in the tree opened.  Stunned I paused my actions to find an ancient device inside it. I checked that machine and it took me by surprise when I heard another door open but this time behind me and on the ground where I was.

Curious, I approached that container and I could distinguish a book inside it. I bent down to pick it up, I noticed that on the cover of the book there was a print of a six-fingered hand and in front of it was written the number three. 

Not resisting my curiosity, I continued to open that book, but suddenly, a black mist began to come out of it that completely clouded my sight, not without first noticing that in it a message caught my attention: 'trust no one'. 

"Pacifica wake up" I opened my eyes when I heard someone call my name, I recognized her voice, it was my friend Katie who was next to me in the seats inside the minivan in which we are. "I think we'll get to this Reverse Falls you mentioned, let's hope it's that one", I blink my eyes to clear my vision and settle into my seat while she informs me of our location.

"If the map isn't crazy then we're already close to your uncle's shack" I heard the voice of my friend Ryan who was driving the minivan.  After waking up from my little trance I remembered where we were going.  Me and some college friends decided to spend our vacations in the countryside and what better than Reverse Falls. 

That recommendation was my idea in the first place, I suggested and convinced my parents to visit my Uncle Bud and my cousin Gideon this summer. 

I looked around me, the sunset present in the skies and the leafy trees that surrounded the road welcomed us. In the presence of that panorama I looked for my cell phone in my pockets and with an inevitable yawn I suggested "I will write to my cousin and I'll send him a photo of where we are, maybe he will recognize this place in the middle of this forest". 

Given what was said, my friends who were awake, who were three, were surprised, "I thought you already knew Reverse Falls, Paz" said my friend Tiffany, who was in the seat behind me and rested her arms on the seat of us.  "No, the truth is that I haven't visited my uncle's shack until now" I said thoughtfully, but strangely this unknown environment made me curious. 

Meanwhile, I turned my gaze to the back seats and saw two lovebirds who were sleeping peacefully.  At the sight, I smiled mischievously and said "Have you already taken a photo of them, Tiffany?". My friends turned their eyes to what was indicated and smiled mockingly next to me, and then took photos of Paul and Zenia asleep. 

"I wonder when they'll confess each other, I think it's very evident to us that their feelings are reciprocal" Tiffany alluded, taking off the headband that she had on her short reddish hair.  "Maybe we should give them a push, don't you think?"  Katie muttered, allowing the three of us to laugh slightly, but we were interrupted by the complaint of a sleeping beauty gentleman who was next to Katie's seat. 

"Your little laughs wake up your companions, you know?" said the young man with blonde hair who was adjusting his headband headphones while he looked at the time on his cell phone.

The pearl & the forest (Reverse Falls / Gravity Falls AU)Where stories live. Discover now