Chapter 6

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Shocking, is the adjective that would describe my recent expression. Euphoric looks and attack intent were in front of me, and no more to say that I think I have experienced these particular moments long before. 

There is no doubt that this began when I went into the interior of the forest when I prepared to follow those insistent murmurs that acclaimed the cry of a queen. In this, the surroundings of the forest began to become known, as if I had walked in this area a long time ago. Although I distinguishedly note and remember the similarities that this environment reflects with the dream I had the day before when I arrived in Reverse Falls. 

Tall, leafy pine trees surrounded me in abundance, a path with signs that someone once walked here, and lastly, the feeling that I belonged within this mystery. That superstition of mine was demonstrated when I saw a particular tree that caught my attention. And it was not to say that this tree was special or different from the others, but rather the opposite. For some reason, I felt that it was calling me and that is why I began to approach the tree. 

I touched the tree in front of me and that is where I felt it, I felt that something mysterious was hidden inside this tree, as it was expressed in my dream. Very curious about what could be behind it, I proceeded to look for an opening and found it. There was a kind of machine inside this tree, old but it seemed to work the moment I pressed one of its buttons. 

A sound was heard behind me, and a kind of grille opened. Without further ado, I approached amazed that all this had been expressed as in my dream, but the difference between reality and my 'dream' is that there was no book inside that drawer. 

For some reason, I felt disappointed, perhaps because I really wanted to see what was in the book or prove that the image shown in my dream demonstrated the answer to why. 

Again I heard the murmurs and this time closer than I thought. Walking in the direction of it I could hear the resonance of small steps that were approaching me. To make sure what it was, I stopped and questioned looking around me, "Is there anyone there?" I cheered loud enough to make my presence known. 

The cries were silenced when they heard my voice, in this, from the low bushes that surrounded the trees, some strange and small species came out of hiding. If I were dreaming I would believe what I see, but no, these creatures seemed to be part of mystical tales that are only found in rural or fairy tales or legends, and yet they are in front of my eyes.

Although somehow my feelings were not altered or surprised to see them, I felt that I already knew them, regardless of the irrationality of their existence. "Hello little ones, what happened, why are you crying?" With a slow step, With a slow step, I proceeded to approach them and accommodate myself to their height. 

With a bit of courage, one of the creatures approached me sadly wiping the tears from his eyes "Our queen disappeared and we can't find her". Another of the creatures approached his partner with the same expression "We don't know where she is, we woke up from our hibernation time and when we went to her we didn't find her. We look for her everywhere but there are no signs or explanation of her absence". 

When he mentioned the last thing, the cries of the creatures arose to show themselves again. A great sadness came over me, just seeing them very confused and sobbing "Oh no. Maybe I can help you, what does she look like?".

Before they give me an answer, another of the creatures went to the defensive of his companions. "Although you are a human, you have the essence of our queen", all the creatures fixed their gaze on me as if they wanted to confirm their conjecture. "What?" I had the strange feeling that I shouldn't meddle in this matter just by seeing the stare they gave me. 

The pearl & the forest (Reverse Falls / Gravity Falls AU)Where stories live. Discover now