Chapter 4

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The time with my cousin was very entertaining, aside from the fact that the atmosphere in the people of Reverse Falls reflected a monotonous behavior, but I ignored those reactions. 

Along the way of our walk, Gideon relented to introduce me to some of his friends, and I gladly greeted them, very glad that my dear and sometimes antisocial cousin had struck up a friendly relationship with these people. That reminds me of our first meeting, in Piedmont, California when I first met Gideon and my Uncle Bud. 

They were visiting since my parents invited them. Plus my aunt, Gideon's mom, lived near us a few blocks away. When we were introduced, he seemed to be very shy, quiet and reserved, but thanks to the charismatic, sociable, and fun that I am, I was able to lessen that feeling of awkwardness between us, or so I think. 

Anyway, we kept in touch ever since, we wrote to each other from time to time every week and chatted about some news or shared memes with each other. One can not take off me so easily. But now that I remember this, it's sad that Gideon didn't tell me some things, like his relationship with Mabel. 

I know this is none of my business, it's his personal life, but in a certain way, I felt very close to my cousin, who I could tell everything about, like my frustrations and great moments, either in college or with my friends. That's why I expected to receive the same from him, but in the end, I just have to accept that he is reserved with his personal life and not everyone can be trusted; still, I feel like he is keeping me from something and not what it is and why. 

We opted to return to my uncle's cabin for lunch and incidentally to hang up my wet polo shirt that was stored in my cousin's backpack.

The view of the beginning of the sunset was so beautiful before my eyes. The clear skies were painted vivid light blue, orange, and yellow colors, showing how attractive nature was. Not only that, the pine trees that surrounded the city embellished every aspect of it, making you fall in love just by looking at it.

A strange feeling was born inside me as if it was calling me to stay together with this unique paradise of Reverse Falls, but at the same time, the fear of locking myself in it was born. Especially because when I left the town city I began to hear again those whispers that came from the forest. "Hey, Gideon! Can't you hear those whispers?" I quickened my pace to get a little closer to my cousin and tell him about this strange event. 

Gideon started to slow down his pace and paid attention to what he meant "What are you talking about?". Indicating him to stop for a while, I explained myself, "On the way to the city and now back to the Shack I have heard certain murmurs of crying inside the forest". My cousin looked at me strangely at what I was saying, making me understand that he wasn't listening to the same as me "huh... This forest has been quiet for the last few years". 

The last thing he mentioned caught my attention, did something happen? It's not surprising that some crime had happened, it's a forest, and not every place is safe, but his words again awakened that inopportune feeling of nostalgia. I was going to delve into the subject but the sound of a car rudder interrupted me, I turned my gaze to where it came from and noticed that it was my friends who stopped in our path. 

Tiffany instantly opened the door of the minivan quickly, causing me to be surprised by how excited she was about something I didn't know about. "Paz!" she exclaimed getting out of the car, while I was recovering from the shock, "What's wrong?" I asked curiously. "Did you hear there's going to be a show this Saturday here at Reverse Falls?" she approached me expectant of my answer, "Show?" I questioned because I hadn't noticed that during the whole walk I was with my cousin. 

Next step she proceeded to hand me the pamphlet she was originally holding "Yes! According to the networks, this event is very peculiar here in Reverse Falls, and many people from all over go since the show seems to be magical and magnificent!"

The pearl & the forest (Reverse Falls / Gravity Falls AU)Where stories live. Discover now