Chapter 7

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Gideon instinctively knew that Pacifica was lying, and for some reason seeing her arrive in the direction of the forest brought back a certain memory of those adventures that he and his dear cousin had investigated in the past. But he also knew that Pacifica was very curious when she came across new things, that's why she most likely entered the forest and got hurt as a consequence, the evidence was in her bandaged arm, so it contradicted the lies that she declared. 

Without further ado, he preferred to put aside his issues and began to do what he planned, call Mabel. Gideon was nervous because he honestly wouldn't know what Mabel's first reaction would be, but at the same time, he concluded that her response would be approved. He took courage and dialed her number, the call took time to be answered, and for a moment the young man lost hope that he was going to be answered. 

Although the miracle that his number was not blocked indicated that Mabel was not so angry with him for the events, and that indicated that both do not hate each other but only hold grudges against each other and that it could be clarified. 

After the two broke up, Gideon received a call a few weeks later from a drunk Mabel, crying and taking out her regrets in front of him, while she complained about her breakup. And as the noble that Gideon is, he only listened to her and didn't comment on it, because he didn't want to make things worse with her, let alone be her enemy. But that no longer happened periodically, since she traveled the 'communication' was cut off. 

At the moment he was going to give up and hang up the call, the voice of a young woman was heard on the other end saying "Gideon". He took a deep breath when he heard the chestnut's voice and said, "Mabel, we must talk". 

The albino told her about the sale of the left seats, obviously ignoring that the people who sold the tickets were known to him. Of course, he crafted his answer to be convincing, and luckily she accepted his proposal, not making as much of the matter as Gideon himself predicted. 

But the reason for the call also had another incentive, setting aside time to talk about Pacifica's situation. In the accident that morning, Gideon was surprised that Mabel didn't recognize Paz, and on the one hand, he was grateful for that so as not to complicate things between him and Pacifica, or at least not for now. 

On the other hand, the albino suspected that one way or another Mabel was going to find out about the blonde's arrival. So if he wants to keep Pacifica calm, and not be stunned by questions from her or that there is no other problem with the Gleefuls, then he will have to tell a certain part of the truth to Mabel, so that those matters will only be kept secret until the right time comes to reveal itself. 

And because Mabel's answers were curt, Gideon was a little nervous starting his statement. "Mabel, I know you probably don't take it very seriously but I have something personal to tell you about and it might be a good option if we talk about this matter personally" Gideon summarized his request "Of course, that can happen when you have time obviously". 

He listened to the young woman's sigh, not recognizing if that action was due to exhaustion or that she was bored. "You know I have a tight schedule and little time for appointments, but you know? I am also interested in what you want to tell me, and I assume that this private matter is related to your cousin" the chestnut continued "Besides, I also suspect that the tickets sold are for her and some of your relatives", Mabel was undoubtedly very insightful in matters that she had an interest in. 

"Just like you, I also want to talk about an impertinent topic with you" On the other end of the call, Gideon could hear the sigh of another person who was with her, which led him to the conclusion that all this time he was talking on the loudspeaker the other side of the call. No doubt the albino knew that the companion was the person closest to Mabel, and one of the few who knew Pacifica thoroughly.

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