Chapter 8

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"I didn't think you'd meet Pacifica so soon, I was betting you'd see her at our last show" It was night and the twins were in the older sister's office. Mabel watching Dipper return from his precious rest in the woods, noticed that something was different about him. Behind that serious mask on his face, he hid how nostalgic and confused he was, and that didn't go unnoticed by the brunette. She knew him well enough for Dipper to be able to hide something from her. 

On the other hand, it was not necessary for the younger brother to ask how his twin found out what had happened, nor to ask about her bet, it was obvious that Mabel knew of his arrival and perhaps she would even be the one to invite that blonde to the show just to annoy him. But her words confirmed his suspicions, that blonde was Pacifica Southeast. 

"Apparently I wasn't aware either that the forest creatures had returned" It was better to divert the matter to a more intriguing topic, the young man proceeded to sit on one of the furniture that was near the center of his sister's office. 

After leaving that blonde at her lodging place, the brown-haired man chose to investigate the depths of the forest, in the places where some of the enigmatic creatures could be found. To his surprise, he peeked that the few creatures he found were back and very uncertain of their surroundings. 

"What?" It was the response of his sister who directed an incredulous look at him. "So you didn't know either" the young man concluded, raising one of his eyebrows. "For your information, I have also recently arrived, besides, I am not so deeply interested in these mysteries, as you will understand" As her excuse, the brunette crossed her arms a little annoyed that her brother found out some information before she did. 

Dipper just rolled his eyes, having Will at her disposal and closer to her it was amazing that she didn't notice the changes. But he recognized that Mabel prioritizes her interests more than the mysteries of the forest. 

"I thought Will had told you about it" At her brother's comment, the brown-haired woman just snorted and psyched herself up about how to scold the demon servant, she always had to find out everything first, that was her obsession. "Unfortunately he didn't, rather he focused on other tasks that I ordered him" Mabel stood up from her desk to approach one of the pieces of furniture in front of her brother "But tell me, what is it that you have found?". 

Dipper watched his sister sit in front of him and continued "When I ran into Pacifica, she was surrounded by gnomes, and they seemed very angry, so I had to interfere to save her skin" The brunette laughed internally at the blonde's misfortune. She always got into trouble, causing most of the time she was rescued by her brother, although she didn't want to admit that sometimes she was also involved, all because of her dear Gideon. 

"I thought those creatures ceased to exist years ago, what brings them back?" She asked interested. "I don't know, but I was concluding some theories. One of them is that the moment the symbols were separated, the creatures had no source of existence and as time passed their existence disappeared" explained the brown-haired man, rubbing his chin with his fingers "But this theory is not validated by not explaining why these beings appeared if the symbols are not fully assembled here in Reverse Falls." Dipper sighed at his response. 

"The other theory is that the energy Will mentioned has returned or has been awakened from its hibernation state." The latter was a plausible answer but there was no proof that that is true either. Mabel, on the other hand, remembered the moment when they had talked with Will about the reasons for the energy decay of the gems and that the existence of that essence was no longer "That means that the gems...". 

The twins looked at each other and nodded at that conclusion. Without further ado, the brunette stood up and went to the library of her office, she opened a secret drawer where she kept her precious gem. Behind her was Dipper who followed her to verify her search. When opening the box that contained it, the twins were shocked, the shine of the gem was intense, just like the first time they found it in the forest. 

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