Chapter 3

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It was evening, a young woman arrived at her home very restless and irritated. Her return to Reverse Falls did not seem to bring back good memories, especially when the course of the trip was exhausting. A long trip from New York to Oregon which she was used to doing every month, but this time it was the exception, because she had not been back for three months and her feelings were not entirely satisfied. 

Upon her arrival she had to stay in a hotel in and near the center of the town of Reverse Falls. She didn't want to see any familiar faces and pretend that she was fine, not in her 'mood'. She preferred to rest and demonstrate the next day her best face and bearing before everyone. 

However, to her dissatisfaction, an incident occurred this morning that didn't help her day at all. All because of one person, Gideon Pines. Mabel would have preferred not to meet him but she knew that was impossible, since he lives in Reverse Falls, his hometown, as well as hers. But the difference between the two is that they had different social statuses. 

The young woman comes from a prestigious family and one of the richest in the world, while the young man comes from an ordinary family. A big difference that sometimes the brunette preferred to ignore and hide when they were both in a relationship. 

The gates to the entrance of Gleeful Manor swung open. Everything inside remained the same, although with some differences in the position of the buildings and decorations, due to the fact that she would receive the visit of her esteemed family. 

Every twenty years the upstart representatives of the Gleeful family are invited to the historic mansion to discuss internal affairs and agreements between the investments of each member of the family. 

Why's that? Quite apart from maintaining the dominance and authority of the Gleeful's influence in all world systems, since the foundation of Reverse Falls and the origin of the Gleeful family's wealth, the honor and reputation in society is qualified of the descendants worthy of obtaining the inheritance of such a glamorous building and the economic power that this inheritance contains. 

But the members of the family know that the greatest advantage is the influences that one has. Just as the girl's parents obtained the inheritance because there was greater influence between her great-uncles, previous bearers of the inheritance, and her parents. Now Mabel and her twin have the advantage, but that doesn't prevent both siblings from participating and competing in this "game" with their relatives. A power game. 

Although Mabel knows that she is magnificent in all aspects, she prefers to be superior and the best of all. Therefore, she does not want to miss the opportunity to demonstrate her ability in her perfect efficiency and effectiveness in dealing with high-scale and complicated matters.

"I'm exhausted" commented the brunette walking towards a corridor of the huge mansion. Mabel wanted to rest all day and stay fresh until the family reunion started. Upon entering, she prepared to approach the relaxation room of the mansion, but not before coming across the paintings of the previous heirs of the mansion.

The last one is the painting of a prostrate image of her 'dear' uncle Stan, who turned out with them since she and her brother were little. He was the only one in her family who was more present in her life. The one who taught them the power of ambition and dominance.

She nonchalantly looked away from it, now that his presence is nil, the mansion had a different kind of atmosphere. The frivolous spark of it was gone to be replaced by the glamorous design Mabel transformed it into. 

The young woman lay down on one of the comfortable divans that the mansion provided and she proceeded to call her favorite butler "Will, send a bottle of wine to the rest room." On the other end of the call, a nervous sound replied "B-but Miss Mabel, you just got here." 

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