Fated Love - Part 7

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All are panicked by sudden fire accident and started to run towards stairs to save their lives. Guards are helping them to show the way to exit.

Sope immediately run in opposite direction to all, towards stage for their Jin Hyung... It becomes hard for them to reach the stage in the huge crowd... At last they reached the stage and searched for Jin but they didn't find anyone on the stage, they called Jin name multiple time but got no response. They searched every corner of the stage but find noone.

Where are you Hyung??? Please respond... Jin Hyung... Jin Hyung... Hobi started to screaming Jin name more loud, tears rolling down from his eyes. Don't panick hoba, I will check in back stage, you go and check if he went outside along with others, Suga said while wiping tears in hobi eyes. Till that time fire is already spread around the hall. No, No, No, I won't let you go alone, I will come with you hobi said horridly... Don't want to leave his best friend alone, when fire is all surrounded. Hobi... Don't be stubborn, atleast not now.... Go... Go... and check outside, If you don't go, forget about our friendship... By saying this Suga run towards back stage without waiting for hobi to reply anything.

I WON'T TALK TO YOU MR.MIN YOONGI... Hobi shouted and went towards exit door with the hope Jin must be there outside.... When he reached outside fire department came there along with ambulances... There is a huge crowd present in the hall for today's event, so some are still strucked inside. Hobi searched outside, where all gathered outside but he didn't find his Jin Hyung.

Hobi again rushed towards hall but fire department officers stoped him to enter in the hall, they are trying to control the fire but it's still not under control. My friends are strucked inside please let me go... He begged officers, who are not ready to listen him. But he can't wait outside knowing his friends are in risk, he thrown officers and entered inside and run towards back stage.

When he entered, his world stopped... Suga sitting on ground & screaming in pain, a big wooden pole with fire on one side is on suga's one leg & he have extreme pain in his leg. Suga is not able to through it from his leg... He just sit there helplessly. Hobi rushed to Suga and tried to through the pole, with so much difficult (because of heat) he through it and lift Suga by supporting his arms.

Jin Hyung is not here hobi, is he outside safe

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Jin Hyung is not here hobi, is he outside safe... Suga said while tears rolling his eyes, he is not able to walk, even not able to stand properly. Suga continuously asking about Jin, but hobi ignored his words not knowing what to say and he is really mad at suga to push him out, So he kept quiet and lift Suga on his arm and run towards exit but unfortunately hobi tripped his leg but balance with one hand not to hit the ground, holding Suga with other hand. But luck is not with them today his hand got a fracture because of heavy weight (he need to balance weight of both).

Hobi almost lost balance but he managed to keep Suga secure and don't care about his hand, he keep going towards exit... In mid way fire men reached them and helped them to come out. Hobi leave Suga with them and again try to go inside for his hyung... But he stopped by firemen.

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