h. She/You

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She's worried, she tries not to but it still catches up with her. She knows she can't go down, that's what makes her worry.
But she will be strong, not get beat down, she'll stand right footed in the ring and hold till the very end. She's in the ring to win not to lose. It is the only option. And she fully understands this, hence the worry, and cycles back again.
But she need not worry so much because God got her. And He hears her, heals her, forgives her, and most importantly loves her unconditionally.
She needs to learn to trust love. And trust that she is loved and her energy is matched and returned. She's lovable and she's a good person.
She will be alright, she always has. She has gone through tough before. She will go through this as well. She is made in the fire and she carries it in her soul. She must not be afraid to access it and use it for good, especially good towards herself. She came forth better than she was before. Kinder, more patient, stronger, articulated, courageous, more faith, hopeful, and more disciplined.
She has to extend more grace to herself and be gentle and patient with herself. She has gained so much insight this season. It is still winning just on a different front.
She's creative, she'll figure it out as she goes.

Take it day by day, and allow yourself to climb up the ladder when you fall. Do not be afraid to try, knock, or ask.
  Do it afraid but do it. You can trust in the Lord, his records speak for Him. You are in the process, and it is important. It makes you stronger and wiser. It is a fortification.
After this, you'll come forth as pure gold. The fire burns out the impurities and you get an updated version of yourself. The world's very shaky at this time, it demands updated versions to come forth. And since you can't go further down, the only way is up, so keep pushing, don't give up, don't tire, don't shrink, and don't coil back. Stand strong and see the deliverance of the Lord. You can and you will.

MY JOURNEY HOME: 2022Where stories live. Discover now