y. Check in...

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Haven't checked in with me lately, how am I? Haven't written in several moons too, that's rather unfortunate. Amid so many people, I find myself having to play so many characters that my authentic self takes a back seat. How I feel about that, am yet to determine. Role-playing, isn't that what life is? If so, are we ever our true selves and where do we unleash that?
The days are tilting, they go as fast as they come. Isn't that what I wanted, why does it bother me then? They pile so quickly on top of each other, and as they pass we grow older. That's scary, or is it? Age is not just a number, at least from my perspective. With time comes experience, knowledge, and wisdom, and that makes all the difference.
I've been pondering about purpose lately, what is it? Small idle chats here and there, what impact does that make? Is having to accommodate such things part of the purpose? This is a mediocre world and anything that isn't similar comes across as odd. Perhaps it is me that doesn't fit well with others and if so, what does that say about me, and does it make a difference?
I've always been the odd one out but amidst so many like-minds it stands out more. I think I've gotten better at navigating through my emotions, at least I think so. I still have several issues to work on, say being more graceful with others.

MY JOURNEY HOME: 2022Where stories live. Discover now