r. The journey ahead. 3/7

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It's Monday. Misplaced my money, that one stung good, almost sent me on a spiral last night but the Lord is good. This is Life Lydia, challenges are gonna come, you already know this. It doesn't mean that the Lord is not with you, it is because of his presence that you're alright.
You have to approach things rationally. Don't let your feelings get in the way. Your eyes are on the prize, don't even look down unless it's to admire your shoes. Keep your head up straight, like the daughter of a king. Don't lose your dignity for any of these things. Your soul must remain free. It is paid for with the blood of Jesus, it doesn't get any better than that. It is paid for by God, by a price that's not of this world.
You have to remember who you are and allow no circumstances to define you. You can't afford to stumble, you have a journey ahead. You only need to trust God even when you don't feel like it, and you will not feel like it sometimes. That's life, that's why you're here, to overcome because Jesus did, and overcome by the example of Jesus. Not being hateful, bitter, sad, downcast, or spiteful. But by grace, mercy, and love.
Your assignment is to live through the now, the rest is handled by God. And remember that worrying adds no extra day to your life.
Take rest in the Lord. The battle belongs to Him.
Also, Lydia, there's no going back, you have to stay in the fight, you have no other choice so you're here to say. Be wise Lydia, let the Lord lead you. Do not lean on your understanding. Be respectful, and obedient, and understand that it's just a role for the time being. Try and fall in love with the process, unconditionally.
Remember all things are possible through Christ who strengthens us.

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