u. Perspective

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Hello 20th July, you're speeding away, what's up?
I'm thinking about perspective, and how I see things. It's a point of view and isn't that what life is? Sometimes I feel like my perspective gets swept under the rock and I lose my insight. This I feel happens often and makes me reactive instead of proactive. Other times, I feel like I am the dance and life is dancing to my tune.
This principle; life is the dancer and I the dance, evades me a lot of times. I feel like it's a very misunderstood principle. I tend to think I am a dancer, as most people do. This principle operates on a spiritual level. 
I'm not my mind, body, or emotions, and yet these things are me in physical manifestation. I'm a spiritual being experiencing the physical world. The physical world is not to inform me because it is misguided, but I'm to lead life from my spirit because the spirit comes from God.
Today I'm choosing to be the dance, the rhythm. I can't be dancing to life, life dances to me. I have been given power and authority, wisdom and knowledge. I have the essence of God in me and that is not a small thing. This is life-changing, how I see things.
Take courage Lydia, it's a command from the Lord. Be upright, be vigilant, be resilient be proactive. Remember who you are, you're not to allow the sight to corrupt you, walk by faith, the very word of God.
Be fearless and know that the Lord is always with you. Let him guide you and provide the daily bread. Keep your mouth shut, listen, and don't be quick to respond.
Rise above everything, you're an air sign, breath in, breathe out.
Remember Ecclesiastes, all things are in vain, but the very life that comes from God.
Surrender to God, don't put your precious energy into insignificant things.
Be present, be in the moment because it's all you have. Appreciate the moment, enjoy the moment, give everything you can at the moment, and receive everything available to you at the moment.
You're a traveler, be adventurous. Remember the adventure is for you, by you, with you. It is the process, it is the moment.
Be the observer that you are. Don't attach judgments and opinions, let everything and everyone be. Ask, and it shall be revealed. Don't be quick to interpret things because more times than not, it will be based on where you are rather than the reality.
Just like you're unique and different, so is everyone else.
Most importantly, keep your vibrations high, and let your energy reflect that. Read the energy and listen to your gut.
Lastly, have fun, be joyful, and soak up the moment. Be happy!

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