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KRISTEN LEANT AGAINST THE FRAME OF THE HARD DECK'S REAR DOOR, she saw the typical bunch of classmates she'd assumed to see bar one; wearing his usual board shorts, being classically covered in sand

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KRISTEN LEANT AGAINST THE FRAME OF THE HARD DECK'S REAR DOOR, she saw the typical bunch of classmates she'd assumed to see bar one; wearing his usual board shorts, being classically covered in sand. Fresh out of the water it seemed. A hawaiian shirt flowed over his chest, as he she locked eyes with his aviators.

He watched her for the moment, gaging wether Kristen was Kristen, or in her Frosty mood. They didn't just call her that because of her father.

"Well if my eyes don't device me, don't tell me Frosty Kristen Kazansky finally turned in her dream of being a pilot and started washing up the tables?" Hangman cut between the two's gaze, hovering over Kristen trying to hand her a cue.

"Bagman!" Kristen mocked a plastic smile as she ripped the cue from his hand and hovered over the pool table, "I'd say I was surprised to see you here but I'll be glad to ask, did you finally realise you'd be better off as my RIO?"

"I'm no secondary crewman, Frosty," Hangman teased as he the leant into her ear trying to intimidate her pool shot, "You know that. But by all means, you'll always have a seat as my RIO."

"Not even in your wildest dreams Jake," Kristen took the shot, shoving the end of the cue into Hangman's stomach; despite making a poor shot, she grinned hard when she heard his pained yelp. From across the room, even Rooster stood there laughing.

"Hey, careful there — next time she'll go for the face," Rooster howled from the entrance as he walked through to the group of Top Gun graduates. Kristen finally made eye contact with the man as he peeled away his aviators, "You would know Bradshaw."

"Cold as ice," Natasha, Phoenix, hummed as she linked arms with the girl, "I remember the nasty bruise she left you with Rooster, looked like a damn mess."

"I thought I would've marked you forever," Kristen remarked as Rooster finally came face to face with her. Despite being shorter, she tilted his chin upward and side to side, "Interesting."

"What brings you here Rooster?" Kristen continued, as he replied, "Called for a mission too, Kit."

"And I hope you two are finally ready to follow my lead," Jake cleared his throat, announcing to the rest of his graduates. Bradley and Kristen both crossed their arms as they glared at Jake. Bradley sighed, "Good luck getting Iceman's fuckin' daughter follow your beheaded ass."

"You're all about to be my bitches," Kristen shrugged, "It's the fate you're all destined too, even you Rooster."

"We'll see," Bradley squinted his eyes.

"So... uhhh why'd she punch you?" A quieter graduate, Robert, coughed from the background still stuck in the conversation moments ago. Bradley laughed, "Drunken night, thought she couldn't throw a decent punch. Dared her to and-"

"We learned she could throw a decent punch," Kristen responded in third punch, "Careful with your words Rooster, wouldn't want Penny to have to ring the bell right now. Not sure if your pockets could afford a round for everyone."

"Wanna place another bet Kit?" He smirked as he held a hundred dollar bill, "Not enough for everyone, just good for us."

Bradley went to turn to the bar, however Kristen stopped him. She grabbed his arms as soon as she noticed the one and only Pete Mitchell sitting across from Penny.

"You haven't been handsy with me like this in a while Kit, what gives?" Bradley snickered, though Kristen sent him an icy glare, "You're talking down a dangerous line here Bradshaw, cool it."

He threw his arms up in defence, and Kristen took the bill from his hands. Luckily he didn't bother to turn around and Kristen believed she had about 5 minutes to get Maverick the hell out of the Hard Deck.

Kristen always felt some sort of obligation to Bradley, almost like they were a couple of legacy children. God, how fucking thankful she was that she could still communicate with her father and seeing Bradley grow over the years cemented it. She never truly saw it as Maverick's fault what happened to Goose, but she knew it hit Bradley like that.

"A shitload of drinks for us Pen?" Kristen slouched over the bar beside Maverick, catching a gasp from the two as she she slid the hundred dollar bill down the bar. Penny shook her head with a smile, "Well ain't that a professional way to ask for a drink?"

"Kristen Kazansky," Pete then cracked a smile, reaching for a handshake she accepted, "Glad to hear you're going by Frosty."

"Sure am," Kristen nodded, "I didn't think I'd see you down here again. Although, I had an inkling from dad. He said he had another surprise.... You're always his surprise it seems."

"Gotta do the man justice," Pete gulped, peering over to get another glimpse of Rooster. Kristen slammed her side over the bad go block the view, "You can't be here if you're not gonna sack up and talk to him. I won't allow it."


"No Mav," She shook her head, "We have a huge day tomorrow, and by all my brains by the scope of this mission I'm hearing about... I'm sure you're part of this. So either talk to him now or go home, and muster how you're gonna get through this with him."

"That felt like two very extreme options," Pete shrugged. He threw his arms up defensively, "I mean no harm."

"I know you don't," Kristen rolled her eyes, "Just get outta here before I have to make my friends embarrass you Pete. You're basically prehistoric."

"I'm Maverick," Pete laughed, "There is no way you'll be embarrassing me here. This is like my-"

Kristen shot Penny a look, nodding as Penny rung the Hard Deck bell again — meaning it was time for Pete to get kicked out.

"Hangman! Payback!" Kristen called out to the two, who ran over and had Pete shipped out within seconds. Kristen leant over the bar toward Penny, "What does he owe you Pen?"

"As if I would let you pay, Kristen," Penny rolled her eyes, "Go have fun with your friends. God knows what you're all about to get into."

"I won't take no for an answer," She shook her head, the two being startled when they heard the piano. Penny smirked, "You better run along to your little boyfriend, he's about to start up a storm in here."

"He's not my boyfriend Penny," Kristen scoffed, tucking a couple hundred dollar bills behind the bar as she head the lyrics to Great Balls of Fire begin.

— cloudydior
i haven't even proofread this properly i'm too excited :)

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