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KRISTEN AND BRADLEY WERE RUSHED TO THE ON DECK INFIRMARY, being checked on instantly. Kristen's tightened chest and difficultly breathing had been traced back to a broken rib or two, plus the numbness that'd resulted from her un-cleaned wounds.

The last of the happier words that left her mouth was, I need to call my dad! The room around her went dead silent of course, a shake being sent through Kristen's brain as the excitement of the achieved mission started to fall.

She'd fallen into a broken sleep the way home, only waking up between transport from the boat to car. Kristen couldn't quite find deep sleep, but she was just grateful for the minimum. For such an achievement, Kristen was stuck in a monotonous period where she was so overtired that she couldn't find even the slightest of energy to be excited anymore.

She just wanted to shut her eyes, let them open at the sight of daylight.

With her puffy eyes, Kristen had finally returned to full consciousness on the last few minutes of her drive home with Bradley at the wheel. He was worried about her silence, aware of the fact that every single person who witnessed the day's events was on an absolute high; including him.

"A couple of the guys are headed to the Hard Deck tomorrow to celebrate, Penny promised she'd stay open later and everything," He smiled, "You feeling up to it?"

Kristen couldn't ignore the excitement in Bradley, cracking a smile to respond, "Hopefully I can scam Penny into a lifetime of free drinks."

"Well if the legendary Lieutenant Kazansky was headed in there," He dramatically paused, "I'm pretty sure she's compelled to give you free drinks."

"You're pretty legendary too," Kristen answered, her head tilted to the window. She weakly added, "We've made it, Bradshaw. This was pretty much our big moment."

"Pretty much?" Bradley sarcastically scoffed, "This was the moment. Not even Mav had seen parameters like what we just did, and you flew an enemy F-14! You got your fifth kill! Holy fuck, my girl's a badass."

She giggled as the tensing in her softened at the sight of his beaming face, "You're not too bad yourself, babe."

"I do alright," He was chuffed, pulling into Kristen's apartment driveway. The doctor's had cleared her for home recovery so long as someone made sure she cleaned her wounds and took her antibiotics, taking it easy for the 6 week period. She'd been put on profile, and the looming discussion of convalescent leave had arisen but was quickly shut down by Maverick not wanting her to think about work for the minute — she was praying Jake's rumour of deployment wasn't coming to fruition too soon.

Bradley pulled a small bag from the trunk amongst a duffle of his clothes in order to stay with Kristen, leading her up to her apartment.

"You wanna go grab dinner or order some takeout?" He offered, the girl twirling for him to catch a cheeky smile, "Surprise me."

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