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"WHAT DO YOU WANT? I thought you'd be happy sulking for the night before I wiped the floor with you in training tomorrow," She replied with crossed arms

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"WHAT DO YOU WANT? I thought you'd be happy sulking for the night before I wiped the floor with you in training tomorrow," She replied with crossed arms. He laughed, but tugged at her arms,  "I'm sorry for acting like a dick earlier, I know you mean well."

"I do," Kristen nodded, slowly letting her arms fall, "Seeing you and Maverick tussle isn't helping anyone here. And it sure as hell won't help the mission."

"I'm not here to talk about the mission Kit," He gulped, "I thought we were fine, but I know we're not. I want to be your friend again, like we were before everything. For real this time 'round."

That stung a little, but Kristen put on a forced smile, "Like I told you when I last saw you, we're good. It's been years, we're coworkers for godsake Bradley. It's fine."

"If we were good you would've told me about your dad," He mentioned, clearly disheartened, "You would've let me be there for you."

"Maverick doesn't even know it's come back," She shrugged, "And that's who Ice practically trusts most in this world."

"I always thought I was that for you," Bradley clenched his jaw. Kristen leant against her hand propped up on the bar as he continued, "You're my one true wingman Kazansky."

"And what exactly are we talking about now Bradshaw?" She replied, "I'm just your wingman up in the sky."

He dropped his head in a laughing sigh, "I mean, I wouldn't exactly want you to be my wingman down here on the land now would I?"

"You sure? I've got some pretty good chat up lines," Kristen joked, seeing Bradley crack a proper smile, "You got any for me?"

"If you were a transformer," She dramatically paused, "You'd be Optimus Fine."

The two held their composure for about 5 seconds before bursting into laughter from their cringe. Bradley stuttered, "That was shocking."

"It worked on you, dork," She rolled her eyes as Bradley's eyes lit up, "The USNA ball! Now that's a night I'll never forget."

"A lot went down that evening," She hummed as Bradley winked at her, "Mhm, we hit a home run that night."

The two snorted, Kristen paused before speaking with her eyes squinted, "What the hell am I going to do with you Bradley Bradshaw?"

"Y'know, you look really good tonight Frosty," He diverted the conversation with a smirk as he pulled her seat a little closer to his. She pretended to yawn, teasing him from his words earlier in the night, "Thanks, friend."

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