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How she became
Mrs Kristen Bradshaw.

the engagement.


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NOTHING ABOUT LONG DISTANCE WAS EASY. Kristen had seen the lowest of her lows while Bradley was adjusting to life post-mission. Of course, it was easier in the beginning with their cheesy phone calls and letters plus the long nights on FaceTime. But it was hard not holding eachother.

Between the time she'd spent home and on deployment, Bradley's giddy mind just couldn't wait for her to come home so he could ask her that one big question on he'd been dying to.

Truthfully, he had the ring picked out from their childhood; he always imagined this certain blue diamond from Kristen's charm bracelet that would be encased in one of his own mother's rings. Realistically, he'd had it made before her graduation... and breakup.

Bradley asked Iceman once, asked him if he was good enough to marry Admiral Tom Kazansky's daughter; he laughed, making Bradley question everything until he paused, "Nobody's good enough for my little girl, but you might just be the exception."

Carole was overjoyed at the thought, she had always treated Kristen like the daughter she never had anyways. But at the end of it, neither Carole, Goose or Iceman was going to be there for one of the biggest milestones. And he had to be okay with that.

He never let the ring go, keeping it tucked away for that off chance he would ever have Kristen in his arms again. And he definitely did. Feeling the severity of the mission Bradley had even taken it with him in his duffle, though held onto it when the two had returned realising Kirsten wasn't quite in the best headspace.

That was the hardest part for him, Bradley didn't know when was the right time... or when it would ever be. While her initial smiles on FaceTime and sparse laughs had told him she was fine, those faint sniffles or reddened eyes had told Bradley a different story amongst their many calls.

There was a time in particular where Bradley thought about flying to her and stealing her away. She hadn't called, and that's when Bradley thought he had become the most whipped man alive, until that one day turned into two and then three and then four. Missed calls and texts didn't do much, she wasn't responding.

It was complete deja vu. Bradley kept telling himself he was too concerned, that she was busy and obviously didn't need to call him everyday; but the state she left in was delicate, and he couldn't help but worried. The week passed. Radio silence.

That was until he opened his door one night expecting a pizza delivery, but found Kristen Kazansky with her bags in hand.

"Honey, I'm home," The girl's voice cracked, Bradley noticing the involuntary tear trickle down her cheek.

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