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"I'M IN A PRETTY TOUGH SITUATION HERE," Admiral Beau turned from his darkened stare at the wall

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"I'M IN A PRETTY TOUGH SITUATION HERE," Admiral Beau turned from his darkened stare at the wall. Kristen smiled with a stern nudge from Maverick, "On one hand, you've both demonstrated the mission can be flown. Maybe even in the only survivable way. But on the other, you've stolen and damaged aircrafts. Not to mention, locking us in the classroom. All for what?"

"To get on this mission, Sir," Kristen said with a firm nod as she watched Admiral Beau carefully despite his rhetorical comment, "Back in Captain Mitchell's day, sure — you're reckless flyers, probably would've gotten by. But I don't do reckless flyers Kazansky."

"I'm not a reckless flyer," She affirmed, her eyes burning this time. Her mind was still in a fuzz from her panic when flying, and all she was trying to focus on was not screwing up this final chance.

Admiral Beau crossed his arms, "Your father never was. He was clean cut, flew like the pro he was. Always stuck to the book."

Kristen gulped, "This mission isn't the kind off the books, and you know that Sir. Your manual couldn't tell you how to fly this mission, but Maverick did."

"You think your dad could've flown it?" Admiral Beau lifted his chin and Kristen appeared stunned. She didn't respond quite fast, or with wit like she thought however she did nod.

He took a step from his desk, aligning himself between Maverick and Kristen's gaze amidst the silence, "Maverick, I've got to make it clear — Iceman isn't here to protect you anymore."

He continued, "I have everything I need to dishonourably discharge you. The both of you. But then, I have to question, do I risk my pilots or risk my career by appointing you, Maverick, as the team leader?"

"Sir-" Maverick nearly gasped, pausing midway to remain composure. Kristen's head dropped, hearing her goal for the mission be passed onto Maverick. Disappointment sunk her stomach, but comfort settled it — she was stuck in her feelings, unable to decide if it was relieving that Maverick would be the team leader.

It was all she'd wanted throughout this training, to prove that she could fly the mission and lead her teammates. But after her reeling anxiety from the day's flight, maybe getting on the mission would be enough for her.

"I'd like to officially appoint you team leader, Maverick," Admiral Beau held out his hand for a shake, that Maverick had accepted however he shook his head, "I'm their teacher, Admiral. I don't need to be their team leader, anymore."

"And who do you propose I pass that honour onto?" Admiral Beau said with intrigue, though both eyes had darted to the small blonde beside them.

Maverick moved his eyes forward again, "Lieutenant Kazansky will be their team leader."

"I don't take hand me downs Captain Mitchell," Kristen put on a brave face, letting out a small laugh, "You're."

"The team listens to you," Maverick cleared his throat, "They watch you, sometimes wanna fly like you, learn your tactics, your moves... You're respected by them. From the day I walked in the Hard Deck to the second I watched you all fly, I've seen it."

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