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"Kai-" But before he could get another word out, the sound of a gunshot rang through the room, silencing everyone.

"Huh!" Parker inhaled sharply, feeling a sting just above her hip. Nick stared at her confused, before following her gaze to her torso. Crimson red liquid slipped down her right leg, the black dress doing a pretty good job hiding the color.

"Nick," Parker looked up at him, tearing brewing at the rims of her eyes as she met his teary blue eyes, before closing hers.

"Kai!" Nick panted as he kneeled, holding her body close to him as he looked up to see who shot her.


"Nick," Parker gently tapped his shoulder, wiping the sweat off his forehead as he moved uncomfortably, wrapped like a burrito in the white sheets. 

"Nick, it's okay. I'm right here," She cooed as he shot up, panting as he looked around the room. 

"It's okay, baby," She smiled at him, trying to hide the hurt. "It's over, she can't hurt us anymore," After Mace shot Parker, Marie was quick to knock the gun out of her hands, and put her down. Holding her arms behind her back until the cops took her out. She was probably rotting in some cell, now. 

"It's over sweetie," She whispered. 

Watching Parker lay lifeless in his hands those few seconds took a huge toll on him. If Khadijah wasn't there to call the ambulance and take Parker to a hospital, he wouldn't have known what he would have done to himself. He realized then and there, that Parker was his whole world, without her, he would even forget to breathe.  

"Kai," He turned to her, pulling her to him so her head was flush against his naked chest. 

"It's over baby, e in regula," (It's okay) She let him hold her, wrapping her arms around his torso as he leaned down to kiss her hair multiple times. 

"I- I thought I- I thought I los-"

"No," Parker pulled away, shaking her head as she placed a finger on his lips, stopping him before he could finish his sentence. "That is never gonna happen." 

"I love you, Kai." He whispered as he brought their foreheads together. 

"I love you, more." She smiled, about to kiss him when they heard a loud scream. Parker pulled away, moving away from Nick when he grabbed her arm, pulling her back to him. 

"He needs me," She tried her best to sound stern.

"I need you too," Nick pouted, loosening the grip around her. 

"Yeah, well he's my top priority," She smiled, getting up again and walking out of their room to the nursery across the hallway. 

"Good morning, baby!" She cooed as she walked into their son's room. 

Marcus Fowler, the miracle baby. After Parker's injury, the doctors had said that the wound had ruined her chances to get pregnant. But, one very drunken night changed that, because 27 months later, here he was, their blue-eyed tan baby boy. He was a perfect mix of the two, having Nick's eyes,  and beautifully golden-brown hair with Parker's light brown complexion, nose, and lips.

"Awe," She rushed to her son, picking him up, making him immediately stop his fussing. She quickly took him to the kitchen, prepping the formula as Nick walked into the room, making Marcus whine. 

"Wha-" Nick stared at his son in disbelief. 

"You shouldn't have gotten a clean shave," Parker shrugged her shoulders, turning to her son. "Right? How dare he scare my baby like that?" She smiled as she booped his cute button nose, making him smile up at his mother. 

"Such a mama's boy," Nick scoffed, walking to the fridge.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Parker smiled at the kid.

"I swear to god," Parker sighed as Marcus pulled on her shirt again. 

"At least we have one thing in common," Nick laughed, walking to his wife and son. 

"Haha, so funny," Parker mocked, putting the nursing bottle between Marcus's hands, and letting him hold it. 

"He's so gonna be a heartbreaker," Nick smiled, kissing Parker's cheek. 

"Just like his dad," Parker smirked, not able to take her eyes off her son. 

"Hey, Kai?" Nick called for her.


"Why'd you move his crib aside?" 

Parker smiled, looking down at her son. "Cuz, we need to make room for another," 

"What do you mea-" Nick's eyes widen as he realized what his wife just informed him. "Wait, are you?" He turned her towards him. 

"I found out last week," She smiled up at him.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm gonna be a dad, again!" Nick cried, pulling Parker to him and kissing her.

"I love you, Mrs. Fowler." He whispered as he hugged her from behind.

"I love you, more, Mr. Fowler" She smiled, looking at Marcus, "You're gonna be a brother," 

She looked at the kid in her arms and her husband, feeling at home here. Not alone some huge mansion. Here, in their three-bedroom red brick house in a small town not too far away from Langley, with a front porch and a backyard. Here, with Brodie, the golden retriever, Marcus, and Nick had 'not' stolen. Here, with her baby boy safe in her arms. Here, engulfed in her husband's arms. 

This was her home. Marcus, Nick, their second baby, and her... And Brodie

Just the five of them. 

... And that concludes Just Us!!! ❤️

Thank you guys so much for reading, commenting, and voting!!😍 I love you all, even my silent babies😘😘😘 I know I don't update regularly, and I just wanna thank you for sticking with me till the end. I hope you have enjoyed this story, cuz I sure did love writing it!❤️❤️❤️

With love,
Beanstalkbaddie25 😘

Just Us ~ Nick Fowler [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now