chapter 8: blood, her blood.

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New York Institute, Upper East side Manhattan

Monday, 01:01 a.m

As Jace entered the infirmary, he placed Y/n's delicate form on one of the identical white mattresses, his hands covered in her blood.

He rushed over to a cabinet by the bedside and noticed a slight flicker of movement in the corner of his wide eyes as he rummaged for the bandages. It was Church, he dashed to the bedside, meowing loudly.

"Church, go find Hodge, Magnus if he's still here. Go find someone." The alarm which lined Jace's voice pricked at the cat's alert ears and he darted from the room to find someone, anyone.

Jace proceeded to respectfully peel back the cloth that was once Y/n's t-shirt but was now just red to reveal a long thin torso, her skin as thin and white as paper, so much so he could see her ribs as she breathed in and out. And there it was, a bright red gash covered in blood that stretched in a long thin line across the bottom of her rib cage to her navel.

"Hurry up Church." He mumbled to himself, the cut was deep, it was a wonder how they hadn't nicked a rib, whoever 'they' were. Y/n had passed out before she could tell Jace what had happened and he hadn't seen anyone else by the riverside before he found her. How long had she been waiting there, he wondered, gradually bleeding out in the dim light of a streetlamp.

Jace took a deep breath and pulled his stele from his jacket pocket, he clutched it tightly as he began to draw an Iratze on her lower left forearm, the healing rune. He knew she had shadow hunter blood so it wouldn't kill her, he was sure but that didn't ease the solom growing dread which plagued his stomach, twisting his innards like a nott which he was unable to untie.

He watched as the long gash vanished before his eyes, the skin sewing itself back together, and he placed his stele lightly on the nightstand next to her head. Her long hair fanned out around her head on the white clean pillow.

The large wooden door of the infirmary burst open to reveal Magnus, Alec and Isabelle along with Church rushing over to where Jace sat at the girl's bedside, both covered in now dried, dark red.

"By the angel." Isabelle breathed and Magnus knelt beside the unconscious girl, he moved the what once was shirt and searched her body for any kind of wound, but found none.

"What happened, Jace?" Alec asked his parabatai and Jace relaxed a little at the fact she was now in safer, steadier hands than his.

"I found her down by the river, she hid that she was hurt but when i saw it- when i saw she passed out." He explained, Magnus had spotted the Iratze, clear and dark, standing out on Y/n's skin. "I'm sorry Magnus, I had too, she-"

"It's okay Jace, I believe you did what you had to do. Considering how much of her blood is currently outside her body rather than in, I'm convinced you saved her life. Thank you." He said softly.

"Is she going to be alright?" Asked Isabelle, her gaze fixed on the bloody girl lying before them, Magnus nodded. "I'll go get her a spare change of clothes and I'll go find Clary and Hodge, tell them you're back." Isabelle said and turned on her heel and left the room.

"Was there anyone else there Jace? Do you think a Circle member did this?" Alec asked, thoughtfully, looking towards his brother, who had his arms folded firmly across his chest.

"I didn't see anyone, just her under a street lamp, leaning against the wall by the riverside. She mentioned a name, Leo. Does that mean anything to you, Magnus?" Jaced looked up to the high Warlock of Brooklyn who stood at the end of the bed.

"Not the faintest idea, I'm afraid we must let her rest and in time she will wake." He said and turned to leave.

"Are you okay Jace? Did you get hurt at all?" Alec's concern for Jace touched the blonde boy and he shook his head.

"No, I'm fine, thankyou Alec. It's alright, go back to bed. I think I'm going to stay here a little longer." Alec understood Jace wished to be left alone, for he could read him like an open book, which wasn't an easy thing to do. And left.

Jace looked from his still bloody hands, then back to her resting face. He had only just realised how interesting her features really were. High cheekbones which carved out her face, full lips which looked different when not moving, which was a change and full eyebrows. And her eyes, which he remembered were a shade of blue, not quite the same shade as Alec's deep ocean blue which often resembled glass but a little lighter, like the sky above Newyork of a clear summer's day. Only brighter.

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