chapter 15: the piano.

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<Y/n's Pov>

New York Institute, Upper East side Manhattan

Wednesday, 04:12 a.m

"I prefer 'strange tea boy'." I muttered and he heard me as he kept laughing.

"Yeah, that does have a better ring to it." He placed the warm mug of tea in front of me and I slid it closer towards me.

"Thank you."

"No worries." He sat a couple stools down from me and put two big teaspoons of sugar in his mug, "want some sugar?" He slid the pot towards me. I shook my head.

"Want any tea with that sugar?" I teased and he shook his head with a smirk.

"Shut up, I got a sweet tooth, I'm not exactly proud of it." He blew on his tea, took a sip and put the mug back down.

"So how many people actually live here because so far I've only seen a couple but this place is huge." I asked and he shrugged.

"Well shadowhunters come and go from here all the time but so far only a few are living here permanently. Wait, who have you met?"

"Hodge, Alec, Clary, Izzy, You and Jace." I listed, blowing on my mug.

"Yeah that's pretty much all for the moment. Sorry for scaring you by the way, when I came in." Alfie added.

"S'alright." And looked down at me tea, "I'm a little jumpy in general."

"How come you're up anyway, it's not exactly waking hours yet." Alfie grabbed a t spoon and stirred his drink, I did the same.

"Just couldn't sleep, I was- err looking for something that could help..." I trailed off and he shrugged. He didn't seem to catch on, I could tell he wasn't a very judgemental or nosy person. I liked him already.

"Well sorry Y/n but i don't think tea will help." He contemplated, a slight aura of teasing in his voice. "Caffeine and all."

"It's kind of perfect actually." I turned to look at him, Alfie rested his elbows on the counter, hunching over his mug, "How come you were up anyway? Couldn't sleep either?"

"Not really, I just really wanted a cup of tea." I chuckled as he shrugged, "What can I say? I like my tea!" He laughed and I stood up.

"Well thank you Alfie, I should be getting back to bed." I moved to the doorway.

"Sure thing, good night Y/n."

I was on my way back when I passed a door that was slightly open and sweet piano melodies poured out of it, spilling into the hallway. I stuck my head in and the music flowed softly, i'm not sure what it was but it was so soothing. I pushed the door open a little more and stepped in and looked around.

It was lit with glowing warm light and I looked over to see a piano, and seated on the stool, with his back to me was none other than Wayland himself. Though he didn't seem to notice me at all, I remained quiet.

The music continued to pour from his fingers, until it slowed to a stop.

"Not bad." I said and watched as he sprung from the stool, knocking it over, his eyes wide. "Woah, no need to be so jumpy. Aren't you shadow hunters supposed to not be afraid of anything?" I teased and walked a little closer to the piano.

"I didn't hear you come in." He said, as if embarrassed. "Why are you awake?"

"Couldn't sleep is all, was on my way back to my room when I heard you playing. You're a talented player Wayland."

"I'm talented in many ways, you just don't know all of them yet." He said smoothly, picking up the stool and continuing to play a few small tunes but he continued to talk, "You should go back to bed, if you don't you'll be incredibly tired in the morning." He said with his back to me, I walked beside the instrument and began to lean on it, he looked up at me.

"It's alright, I'll be fueled with caffeine, sarcasm and impure thoughts instead. I hear they are just as efficient as sleep, sometimes more so." I watched as he tried to suppress a smirk at my comment and somewhat failed, "What about you- do you always have to practice piano at 4 in the morning? Some kind of ritual?" I asked, still hung up on the idea that Shadowhunterism is still a cult.

"I just like to practice, that's all." He continued to play.

"It's beautiful." I whispered and he seemed to hear me but continued to play, I listened until he was finished. "Okay, now you're just showing off Wayland because that was beautiful." I said and he chuckled.

"Thank you Cartwright."

"Also I was wondering..." I trailed off, unsure of how he would respond, "I understand why I have to stay here, to keep me safe from Valentine and all. But since I am going to be here, could we please go back to the loft. I have to get some things." I said all at once and his voice contorted.

"What kind of things?" His voice was unconvinced and skeptical.

"Please Jace." He shot up his eyebrows.


"Nothing, I just- I don't think I've ever heard you say my name Cartwright." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"I have said your name before, Wayland."

"No, I don't think you have." He stood and took a step closer towards me, I had my back to the piano and he was a step away from me.

"Are you always this annoying or do you take pride in being this irritating? Is that a yes or a no?"

"It's a yes, but we're being quick and I'm going with you." He said and looked down at me, why the hell did he have to be so much goddamn taller than me?

"Deal. Now come on, let's go." I said and made my way to move past him and no longer be pressed between him and the piano but he side stepped so I came face to face with his chest.

"No, we're going tomorrow, now do yourself a favor and get some sleep."

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