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They continued walking, their surroundings getting less and less green until everything was bare around them.

"This is getting annoying. They should give us a map or something if they want us to go somewhere." Said an exasperated Koji glaring at the device in his hand, the girl beside him looking at him questioningly.

"Is there something that doesn't annoy you? Take it as a training." She said, suddenly Nayna pointed in another direction. "This way."

"How can you tell? Plus, we should follow the tracks."

"There is another track." She said as she started to walk in the direction she pointed, the raven haired boy looking at her with a frown unsure about her sudden decision to change their direction, in the end he chose to follow her.

The two went in the direction she believed was the right one and started to see a forest area with high mountains behind it.

"That's surprising. How did you know which way to go?"

"Felt the smell of the woods." She said, as on cue, a soft breeze passed them, ruffling through their hair.

"That's strange. I didn't smell anything."

"I guess I just have higher senses." She shrugged walking on towards the trees going deeper into the forested area, Koji right behind her.

Suddenly, a huge serpent like digimon appeared and looked at them then started to plunge towards Nayna. She easily dodged it but the digimon was still fixated on her.

"Nayna!" Shouted Koji running towards her only for her to rise her hand in sign for him to stop.

"Don't come yet. You'll see when it's your moment." She said and jumped on it running down it's back, the head going after her.

She jumped off it and landed beside a bush, breaking a small branch then ran at the serpent again jumping over the serpent's body, the head following her once more, then she jumped towards a tree. As her legs made contact with the trunk, she pushed herself from it as she went back at the digimon passing through a loop its body formed and jabbed the branch in its skin. The digimon roared in pain and anger as the head followed her again, the body knotted around itself right on top of the branch that embedded even deeper because of the pressure. Soon enough the digimon roared in pain and fell to the ground unconscious.

"It's all yours." She said clapping her hands to get rid of the dirt and dust as she looked at Koji who scanned it but still looked at Nayna in surprise.

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?" She asked a bit confused.

"All that?" He said looking back at the spot where the digimon was before.

"The branche's marrow was poisonous. Found out about it last time I looked for food for us, the rest...it's just...me..." She said shrugging her shoulders not really seeing such a big deal in her early actions.

"I never saw anyone move and do that..."

"Well...now you did." She said amused walking away from him completely missing the stare he was sending her way.

"I underestimated you. You really are a good fighter, style or not." He said with a smirk catching up with her.

"Thanks..." She said proudly then stopped. "Wait...what is that suppose to mean?! I have my own style!" She said going after him.

"Of course you do." He said amused. "How many martial arts do you know, huh? If you are so good."

"None. " She said with a confused frown.

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