11.Words meant to be said

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The kids returned to the pound to clean their clothes.

"Ugh, this is so disgusting!" Said Zoe scrunching her nose as she was washing her vest.

"Yeah, it will take forever to get out all this mud from our cloths." Said Takuya doing the same.

"I think I have mud even in places that should not be mentioned." Whimpered JP.

"Then don't mention them." Said Zoe.

"But he is right, we need to wash all our cloths and ourselves." Said Takuya.

"Right. You boys better go on the other side of the pound while, we, girls will stay here." Said Zoe pointing at Takuya. "And don't even dare to peak."

"Why do we have to go when we are more than you two." Said the boy annoyed.

"Because we are girls and girls should be given privacy"

As the two kept on bickering, Koji ignored them. He turned to the white haired girl who was cleaning her shoes. Finally he made up his mind and made a step towards her only to hear Takuya's exasperated groan.

"Fine! We'll go! Sheesh..." He said fuming as the guys were leaving.

Seeing this, he had no choice than to go with them or withstand the wrath of the blonde girl.

When they regrouped, the sky started to darken.

"It's pretty late. We probably should camp here." Said Koji looking at the sky then back at Takuya.

"I guess it's a good spot. Let's set it then."

The girls went looking for something to eat while the boys gathered the wood for a fire.

"Hey, Nayna..." Said Zoe unsure.

The white haired said nothing, she waited for the other girl to go on.

"About what Koji said..."

Hearing this, she breathed in deeply, annoyed with the direction this discussion was going.

"Is it such a big secret that you can't tell us at all? I mean...we are in a different universe for Pete's sake. Nothing can be harder to believe than that. You can trust me." Said Zoe with a smile. "You know how it is, girls gotta have secrets." She said with a chuckle.

"It has nothing to do with a gender. Secrets are secrets and are meant to be kept, especially if they are about someone's private life."

Hearing this, Zoe looked at her friend surprised and worried.

"You've been hurt because of this secret, weren't you?"

Nayna gave her a side glance before going on with the fruits she gathered, leaving the blonde alone.

She returned to the camp where the boys already were doing the fire.

Upon seeing her, Koji gave her a quick glance before turning away.

After they were all at the camp again, they gathered around the fire and ate from the fruits.

"Hey, Bokomon, how much longer is it until we reach the forest terminal?" Asked Takuya looking at the digimon.

"Not too much. We're actually pretty close I believe. We just need to get to the tallest tree, in the middle of the forest. Right there." He said pointing out.

Looking over, they could see the tree the digimon was talking about, towering over the rest of the trees and surrounded by fog and clouds.

"Cool. That means that tomorrow morning we'll be there." Said Takuya exited.


"But until then we should catch some z's" Said JP yawing.

"Yeah, I am pretty tired too."

"You can go all to sleep. I'll take care of the fire" Said Nayna looking at the others for a second before turning back to the fire.

One by one, they all said their goodnights and went to sleep.

When she remained alone, she looked into the flames for a long time deep in thought. Soon enough, she sighed as she got up and went by the pound where she sat on the grass in the lotus position and started meditating.

"You two! You're paths are knotted together. You will face many hills on your way but where is a flame, there is light. You, boy, better watch out, because the girl's fire is a strong burn, but once the flames are aligned right, your futures will be warm and bright. "She remembered Shamanmon's words.

"What did he mean? Is there something wrong with my fire? Why is Koji involved?" Thought the girl before she found herself into her own mind, surrounded by 9 flames, all burning strong and brightly. turned dark blue emanating a lot of light.

"What the...What is happening?" She thought getting up looking around herself then at the sky that was dark but clear, suddenly a pair of dark blue eyes taking the place of the sky.

"What is this? What is happening?" She thought but got out from her concentration returning to reality with an exhale.

"Is there something that you need, Koji?" She said without looking. In response she heard footsteps approaching then shuffling beside her as he sat on the grass.

"Is that your nice way of saying 'leave me alone'?"

"If you know already, what are you doing?"

"Right... weren't you suppose to take care of the fire?"

She didn't answer, in fact, she didn't even opened her eyes.

Upon seeing this, Koji sighed rubbing the back of his head and neck.

"Look... Nayna... I know that what I said to you was wrong. I shouldn't have... I didn't meant to hurt you... I... I'm sorry" He said looking at her unsure, yet she still didn't open her eyes to look at him.

He let out a deep sigh looking at the water thinking then back at her.

"What I meant to say-" Started to boy only to be interrupted by Nayna who got up still without looking at him.

"My interests lay right now in another direction that I shall follow." She said going back to the camp.

"That is just a nice way of saying you don't care..." He said rubbing his temple.

The next morning, after everyone was awake, the kids were on their way to the Forest Terminal once more.

As they were walking, Koji approached Nayna once more.

"Hey." He said shortly only to be completely ignored.

"I know you're still angry and I understand that but can we talk for a second?"

"We have something more important at hand right now."

"What? Walking? We'll arrive at the forest terminal soon. We still can talk while we walk."

"You better concentrate on the task at hand and leave the talking for later."

"Nayna, please, I just wanted to say-"

"Oh, in the name of Gods...if I don't put it out to you, you won't get it. I don't care and I don't want to hear it. Leave me alone." She said harshly sending him a cold glare before walking faster leaving the raven haired boy dumbstruck.

"Outch.." was all he could say in response.

I wish I could make this chapter longer. I feel like it should have been longer but I got out of ideas as I forgot my original idea so I had to improvise. Even so, I hope you liked it.

Please review and tell me what you think.

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