7.Welcome to my nightmare

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As they were walking, they reached the woods and went on through the forested area.

"I believe the forest kingdom begins beyond that track." Said Bokomon looking up, above the trees seeing a suspended train track.

"Sure looks big." Said Takuya looking at the track too.

"Hey, Bokomon, how much further do we have to walk to the forest terminal?

"Don't worry, you should walk just a little bit more."

"A little bit more?" Repeated the older boy with a heavy sigh."This little bits are killing me."

"You're kidding? This is great. This place is amazing." Said Nayna as she jumped downhill, the others after her.

"Wait up!" Shouted Takuya after her.

"What are you doing?" Asked Koji as he got beside her as she stopped.

"What? It's not like I killed someone."

"Maybe not, but I think he'll pass out if he makes another step." Said Koji looking uphill at JP who dragged his feet to the side of the hill.

"Well, rules of nature, first to go down becomes the food." She said amused getting shocked stares from everyone.

"Should I bring you the knife?" Smirked Koji, the stares moving to him.

"Nah, I can do it with my hands. Whatever goes under the fingernails is a snack for later" She said amused.

"Grilled or boiled?"


The others were looking disturbed from one to the other as they talked until Takuya couldn't take it anymore.

"What the hack?! You sound like serial killers!"

The two stopped and looked at them.

"Oh, right...I forgot you were here..." Said Nayna surprised.

"Calm down, we're just kidding."

"Or...were we?" Grinned Nayna evilly

"I was kidding, not so sure about her..."

"Throwing me to them, huh? Thanks. Don't worry, I'm kidding too." She said amused.

JP and Tommy finally went down the hill to the others.

"Isn't time for a dinner break? I'm wasting away here." Pleaded JP.

"We didn't even get any breakfast."

"I think we better stop here and make camp." Said Takuya.

"It's been a long day for all of us."

"Oh well, if you really want to..."

"Yeah, whatever."

"We're stopping?" Asked Tommy a bit more cheerful.

"Does that mean I get to eat? And lay down? And eat? Yes!" Said the heavyset boy relieved.

Suddenly Zoe left the group and returned holding something that she showed to the others.

"Look what I found. I hope it's edible" She said showing the pale apple to Bokomon.

"It's called a meat apple."

"Meat apple?" They repeated in wonder.

"Yes, each has the flavor of different meat. Quite nutritious actually." Explained the digimon.

"Where'd ya find that thing?" Asked Takuya pointing to the apple.

"It was just lying on the ground. There has to be a tree somewhere nearby. Bokomon, wil you help me find some more? Asked Zoe looking at the companion.

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