19.You want fries with that?

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As the kids rode to the Hamburger Village, the road ahead seemed long so they started to chat with each other.

"So what's the story of the Hamburger Village?" Asked Takuya looking at the white digimon.

"It's a hamburger lovers paradise, my boy." Bokomon said.

"Sounds great." Said Zoe looking already too happy.

"Bring on the beef, baby!" Said Takuya pretty excited too.

"Yeah, I'm gonna eat my body weight, maybe all of ours in burgers." Said JP drooling at the thought of the burgers.

Koji looked away from the window at the older boy a bit disturbed then at Nayna expecting her to comment but she didn't. She seemed completely away from the discussion as she looked out the window.

Suddenly, she seened to snap out of it on her own then got up and left the wagon.

"Is she ok?" Asked Takuya looking at the door of the wagon.

"I wonder so too. She seemed distant since we left." Said Zoe.

"I don't know but I better go check." Said Koji getting up ready to open the door to go after her.

"Why you? I could go." Said the google-head staring at the wolf boy.

"Because all you're gonna do is annoy her further more." He said closing the door behind him only to find the wagon empty so he went into the next and the next.

Frowning more and more after every empty wagon, he reached the last one and finally saw her outside of the wagon, leaning on the metal railing. With a sigh, he went out too, leaning on the railing beside her.

"Hey, you ok?"He asked looking atherin concerne.

At first, it seemed she didn't hear him as she had no reaction to his words, but he knew she heard him, she was a wolf after all.

"lf I said something, I-"He said but was cut off.

"I wonder... How many other know who I am. If you found out so easily, others must have too."She said, not taking her eyes off of the road behind.

"I don't think anyone else knows. what gave you away mostly were just in dangerous moments that can happen only in a world like this. If it wasn't for your short fights, I wouldn't have known."

"But what you said about my eyes-"

"Only people who saw you in action could tell. I don't know why are you even worried. No one will ever think that it's possible for a wolf to be human. when I asked you about it I was 100% sure that you'll start laughing and say that I'm crazy."

"Then why did you asked?" she asked looking at him amused, trying to tame her hair that was flying around her.

"It just came..."He said with a shrug.

The Trailmon stopped in the Hamburger village Station so all the kids got off.

Once outside, all they saw was a derelict town in the middle of a sandstorm.

" much for luxurious village..." Said Nayna looking at the broken houses.

"And she speaks again."Said Takuya amused.

"And I'm about to-"said Nayna glaring at the google head only to turn and look at Koji as he spoke.

"Let's go. Maybe we'll find someone who will tell us what happened here."

The group started walking on the empty streets, the wind blowing some of the debris from some of the buildings. Suddenly they started hearing sobs and sad whines.

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