Fire on Fire 01 ( Confusion )

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It's another boring day. Porsche was Standing behind Kinn as usual, he stared at every corner of the room, trying to stop his sleepy eyes from closing. But on the face of it, Porsche seems to be a prudent bodyguard on high alert. Sorry not everyone. Everyone outside the Kinn's bodyguard line in the Major Family must be right.

But he could not stay that long because he suddenly regained consciousness due to the sound of Kinn's hands hitting the table. But because of Porsche's voice in the process, everyone in the main hall turned their eyes to Porsche, making it a habit to wash away Kinn's honor as usual.

Throwing a glance full of anger at Porsche, Kinn raised his voice and began to speak, drawing everyone's attention back to him. At that moment he knew he fucked up. Looking straight ahead at the sight , he could see his roommate Pete standing motionless. And then there's Arm, who looks like you're done today, and then there was Big, who's looking at him with a ugly smile on his face.

After the meeting, the Minor family left the mansion and also Kinn existed Main Hall, through and started to walk through the main corridor to his bedroom, telling all the bodyguards to go to the dining area for dinner. Obeying that command, also Porsche turned to go. But then Kinn called his name.

"Porsche, you are coming with me. I have a conversation with you."

With that said, Kinn entered the bedroom door as Porsche sighed and walked behind him. As Porsche passed Pete, Pete put on a sympathetic face and said "Good Luck" because he knew Porsche was calling to be punished.

"Lock the door."

In an icy cold tone, Kinn walked across the large room without even looking at the Porsche and sat down on the huge, expensive couch while Porsche was standing still infront of the locked door. A moment of silence passed while Kin lit a cigarette. Several puffs of smoke billowed out, and he held the cigarette between his left hand fingers and leaned back in the sofa with glowing eyes.

"..Porsche, don't you get bored of making the same mistake every day? But I'm tired of punishing you for the same mistake every day..."

Without even looking at the Porsche, Kinn smiled mockingly as he looked at the still-silent Porsche out of the corner of his eye. He could see in his heart how scared Porsche was. But Kinn was not really angry that Porsche fell asleep in the middle of the meeting and became a comedian. He was angry because Porsche fell asleep in front of Vegas, whom he disliked most in the Minor family. He was angry that Vegas stared at the Porsche without anyone noticing at the time. Kinn was angry because of Porsche is only his. Kinn never wants someone else to look greedily at his own thing. It's even worse when the viewer is Vegas. And it can be even more worse if that thing of his become non other than one and only Porsche.

According to Kinn, Porsche is his estate. From the day Kinn lay his eyes on Porsche , Porsche was his, only his. Although he never said a word about it, in Kinn's mind Porsche was something that only belongs to him.So according to him he had a good reason to be angry.

"...Porsche, you like Vegas looking at you like he want to eat you or something, don't you? That's why you're always do some crazy shits in front of him..."

Porsche suddenly looked up at Kinn, unable to confirm what he was hearing, because of the unusual question that suddenly came out of Kinn's mouth. According to Porsche, the usually he has never been special to Kinn. Porsche never remembers that Kinn has caring for him, except for always blaming him or glaring at him or punishing him for every little thing. So Porsche couldn't figure out what the heck was going on.

" Why is he talking like he is care about me? Why is he angry when Vegas looks at me? This is weird. The one who is not happy except hurting me because this time."

These were just a few of the questions that came to Porsche's mind. Porsche stared at Kin with his mouth half open, unable to think of an answer.

Kinn waited for a moment and then got up in a rage. After walking towards the Porsche with such fast feet, he stopped after stepping back and few seconds later Porsche was leaning against the locked door. He took the cigarette to his mouth and smoked several times, then held the cigarette in his left hand as he leaned toward Porsche. Kinn was only a few inches taller than Porsche. But that height gap made Kinn feel great and dominate because they were standing so close to each other. Porsche felt that his heartbeat was getting faster than usual. In fact, it was so fast and louder that even Kinn could hear it. After standing there for a moment, he raised his hands again and rested his hand on the door with Porsche standing middle of them. The Porsche had nothing to do but stare straight into Kinn's eyes, between Kinn's hands and the locked door there was no way out.

After staring into Porsche's eyes for a moment, Kinn let exhaled as cigarette smoke billowed down his face. That action was enough to make already nervous Porsche's whole heart go crazy. Not only that, but because of what Kinn did, Porsche swallowed while a thin film of sweat rose from his forehead and above his upper lip.

"...Porsche, I asked a question. I need an answer. Do you like Vegas' attention so much? is that why do did such a hell of a shit right there..."

Kinn leaned closer to Porsche's face and that made Porsche's lips tremble. Porsche opened his lips to answer, but no voice came out unexpectedly. But it was enough to bring a smirk to the corner of Kinn's mouth.

Encouraged by this, Kinn took the cigarette in his mouth again and inhaled the smoke, releasing the smoke along with the exhaled air on Porsche's exposed neck as Porsche get goosebumps over that action. Satisfied that Porsche's body had reacted to him in that way, Kin stared into his eyes with a smile, but Porsche was still oscillating between pure consciousness and unconsciousness. Because Porsche can't really process what's going on. Come on, this is the mafia boss who used to punished him over little mistakes anytime. Now suddenly he is acting like his Lover or something. Kinn spoke again in a sexy deep voice, as close as his breath could reach the air on his cheeks.

"...Porsche, you was like an angry wild cat fighting against me for everything. What a surprise. But I like the way your body responding to me. I like it because you're mine. Only mine. Process it in the brain of yours . Clear ???..."

Kinn asked as Porsche nodded involuntarily. Satisfied, Kinn breathed a sigh of relief and sniffed at Porsche's body fragrance before step back. Realizing that what had already happened weighed heavily on Porsche's head.

As if nothing had happened, he walked back to the sofa and sat down while Porsche in the same position.

"...Porsche, go and have dinner now. But keep in mind what I said. Otherwise, we will see what will be the punishment. Stay away from Vegas. He is no good but evil. Porsche go now and have a good meal..."

Unable to regain consciousness, Porsche jumped out of the door and closed the door, leaning against the wall outside the door, unable to process what had happened. Porsche, who had been holding his hand to his chest for a considerable time and was breathing like an asthma patient, to calmed down himself. Then he opened his eyes and wiped the sweat from his forehead. But when he opened his eyes, sight infront of him cause his mouth to half open.

to be continue...

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