Fire on Fire - 06 ( Used💔 )

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He looked around in shock to see if there was a Porsche somewhere in the room. He got out of bed where there was no sound. He took the pistol from under the pillow, took a silk robe from the rack and hurried to the door. He waited a second and opened the door with gun in hand. To his surprise Big was  at guarding the door with tired face but with his keen eyes..

"...Big, where are the others ?..."

Kinn asked, unable to ask directly where the Porsche was. But Big answered with a smile as if he understood his thoughts exactly.

"...kun Kinn, Ken and Pete took the diamond and went to the mansion last night. Arm and pol are still here. Porsche left , about half an hour ago. I was told to wait until you woke up..."

Kinn sighed, unable to think of anything. Big then handed the bag to Kinn as he looked up.

"... Kun Kinn,I thought you would need a clean clothes...."

With that, Big bowed his head at Kinn as he took the bag and returned to the room.

Quickly getting ready, Kinn arrived at his mansion, aware that he had too much work to do today. But as soon as he enters the door, p.chan inforemed that his father is already in upstairs waiting to meet him.

It would be a lie to that he wasn't surprised to hear that. But still he had an Idea what is going on. From the fact that his father was here, he realized that he was aware of what had happened last night.

He went to see his father without further ado, ready to face whatever was to come. But his mind was lowkey worried about the same thing. That's Porsche.

"...papa, nice to see you...."

He said. Kun Korn raised his eyes and looked at his second born with a smile.

"...Nice to see you too son. Come on, we haven't been able to play chess in a while. what are you up to ? work?...please sit down play with me...."

He nodded as he rearranged the kun korn chess board.

"...First of all accept my congratulations son. The Queen's Heart Diamond is now a property of our Theerapanyakul family. What do you think of the cost that you spent on it, son?..."

Kinn smiled as he pulled the one of Pawn forward on the chess board.

"...Papa, I know the Queen's Heart Diamond is not worth a hundred million in terms of value. But I know that the reputation of our family is worth a lot more than a hundred million. It is a shame to leave something we want for money in front of a number of powerful families at an auction. Even more, if the Minor Family had submitted the losing bid, I would not have given up. Even if the bid is more than that, I will take it. This is my way dad. My style is different from yours but nothing I have done in my way so far has gone wrong..."

Kun Korn silently stared at his son for a moment, proud of his attitude and intelligence and his quality as a leader. Simply he was proud of his second born.

He shook his head approvingly.

"...You have a good point actually a great one. But do you think your bodyguard line will continue to be more loyal to you when they find out that their boss spent the night with Porsche who was failed to complete his task or follow his in-charge's orders?..."

Now there is a kun korn got a point. Kinn silently thought for a moment about what his father had said.

"...Papa, I'm not saying you're not right. But I do not accept that Porsche did not follow orders. Because he was not unless he was drugged and abducted. If there is a question about his loyalty, I am totally against it. I trust him as much as I do trust myself, Papa. But as you said, I now suspect that this incident will change the opinion of the other bodyguards..."

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