Fire on Fire - 46 ( Revenge Taken💔 )

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He felt like his legs were going numb. Kinn leaned on the table as if he was afraid that he would collapse even his face turned pale. But he knew he had to control his emotions otherwise everything could be ruined forever and his whole family and the clan will wiped from the earth. He put his shit together and spoke immediately.

"....Big, Get the backup line to security. Set up the second line to search for Tawan. And get the first line and come with me we have something special to do....."

Big nodded and ran out without a moment's delay as Kinn turned to Pete.

"....Pete, send Pol to check on Tankhun. Tell him to keep him safe...."

Having said that, Kinn took out the phone with a decision. Arm continue dialing 3 bodyguard's numbers who were appointed to guard Porsche.

Kinn dialed Kim's number without thinking twice as he was the only person he trusted at this point. When it rang three times, Kim answered the phone.


Kim's tone of voice was full of concern. Because Kinn had given him complete freedom and kept him away from everything to give him a chance to live a normal life and achieve his dreams. So He knew that it's Kinn wouldn't call him if it wasn't argent.

"...Kim, I need you. Come as soon as possible...."

Having said that, Kinn hung up on him before even Kim get a chance to answered.

Then he wasted no time and Kinn run out with the first line, determined to sacrifice anything to ensure the safety of Porsche, whom he valued more than his own life.

Same Day / Time unknown /
Place - Somewhere in Thailand

Porsche felt a unbearable headache as it was difficult to even open his eyes. After about a minute of effort, he opened his eyes, even as his eyes filled with tears due to pain. It took another moment for Porsche's vision to clear but he couldn't see a darn thing because his head was covering with a black clothe which was tied around his neck. That freaking piece of clothe only allowed him to breath not see through.

He was terrified to the core and tried to touch his head and removed the cover but that attempt only made him realized that his hand was tied to the bed by his wrist. At the same time, Porsche panicked and tried to move his legs also failed. His hands were tied above his head with metal hand cuffs that Porsche couldn't make a darn move. His legs were parted and also tied to the bed with ropes. Porsche yanked his hands nad legs but terribly failed the attempt of releasing them and only cause them hurt more and bleed. Porsche completely gave up on trying and calmed down because he understood that the only thing that would happen during the struggle was hurting himself by getting cut by cuffs and ropes.

He was breathing so heavily and he couldn't think of darn thing and bit his bottom lip to prevent the sob that trying to scaped from his mouth. He felt pathatic because he was completely helpless and terrified. Which made the situations even more fucked up He was repeatedly getting flashback to the night that diamond aquistion occurred. Brutal attempt of sexually assault him on that night few months ago. He wanted to forget that image and calmed his damn mind.

So He tried so hard to remember what did happened to him just to distract himself from that terrible memory. As a blurred memory in his mind, he remember that he went to the grocery store to bought a tub of ice cream for Chay and when he was walking back to home, a van stopped and tried to forcibly get him in. When he was fighting against it, he fell unconscious with hit that he got behind his head. Porsche had no idea what happened after that, where he was or who did this. And honestly it was really a fucked up situation.

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