Fire on Fire - 26 ( Reciprocal Stamina / The Best Duo)

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His mind kept oscillating between the Porsche and the crowd as he realized he had to control his mind. He took a deep breath and quickly calmed his mind focused on people infront of him. All the talks ended within an hour when Chakan's and Sumek's dead bodies were still in the same positions because no one dare to move those bodies without permission of Kinn. On the other hand he did it on a purpose. Kinn left it like that to teach others a lesson.

"....No one seems to have any problems. There is no point of wasting any more time here. I hope everyone will remember the lesson learned today. Because if you want to keep yourselves alive in this mafia world, it is worth remembering it...."

Kinn said with look of bloodthirst tone which gives chills. In front of those words, even the brutal clan leaders who have committed a number of very serious crimes and lead the experienced criminals nodded their heads in fear while everyone was second in front of Kinn's powerful and perfect personality.

Satisfied with that, he stood up as everyone else stood up after him.

"....I suggest everyone to use the emergency exit. From here I will take care of Sumek's and Chakan's gangs...."

Kinn said, exhibiting great leadership qualities. Heeding his word, everyone left using the emergency exit while only Kinn and his group remained in the hall. Kinn, who had been silent for a moment, spoke to Big and Pete in a low voice.

"....Big, is the backup line ready???..."

Kinn asked as he filled his Jones Deluxe pistol with bullets.

"....Kun Kinn, I have prepared the backup line as you ordered. I put Arm to give them orders. Even now, the second line has settled down in their positions as ordered. We can clear the main corridor by using them...."

Big said confidently. Kinn nodded in satisfaction.

"....Big, remember this. No one's life can be lost in the first line. The second line should also minimize damage as much as possible. Get as much help as possible from the backup line. Is it clear?...."

Kinn asked as Big nodded in response.

"....Porsche, you are not allow to leave my side for a second. Do you understand??...."

Kinn said in a possessive voice. Porsche nodded, obeying Kinn's words.

"...So let's start big...."

".... Kun Kinn Come behind me...."

When Big stand in front of the second line as previously prepared, he came out with Kinn and Porsche in the middle of the first line when Sumek's guards saw the body of their leader through the open door. With that sight, they started firing frantically at Kinn and his group while the backup line and the second line behind them provided complete protection.

Bullets started flying from all directions as the Leftover members of Sumek's and Chakan's gangs fought frantically. Kinn understood that Sumek and Chakan have come here to claim the leadership today, for better or for worse. Kinn and Porsche continued to fire at the enemy without missing a single shot. Through a twenty minute firefight, Big managed to take out Kinn and Porsche as the first line continued to cover them.

"...Kun Kinn, get in the car quickly with Porsche. The vehicle arrived at the entrance. I'll cover with the door with others. leave here with Porsche...."

Big shouted over the gunshots. Although Kinn didn't seem to agree with it, it was the best thing to do, so he nodded, bringing peace to Big's mind. As Big said, clearing the corridor until he reached the entrance, the first line of bodyguards led by Big split into two sides while running to the vehicle covering the Porsche. But unexpectedly, a group of enemies belongs to Chakan's gang came from one dark corner of the entrance and started shooting at the two of them. But Porsche covered Kinn with his body and began to shoot through the darkness while moving in a zig-zag manner, making it impossible for the enemies to even think of taking the target. Thanks to the moving target board that Big added to Porsche's shooting practice, Porsche didn't miss a single bullet. On the other hand, while moving with him and holding his hand around Porsche's waist, Kinn shot every enemy targeting Porsche with the sole aim of saving his beloved Porsche.

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