Fire on Fire - 51 ( Rather Not )

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"....Porsche, I love you...."

Kinn said to Porsche who was trying to catch his breath like a fish with his mouth open, unable to calm down his heart beat which had increased to the maximum due to the fatigue from the lovemaking process. As soon as he heard those words, Porsche's breath caught in his throat for a moment as the sound of his heart beat become more audible than before. Porsche blinked his eyes several times in disbelief and he really thought he was hallucinating. On that thought, Porsche turned his head towards Kinn for a moment just to clarify that he was hallucinating and Kinn wasn't telling anything but to his disappointment his eyes told him a different story which he couldn't believe. He felt like crying and his lips begin to tremble like he was having seizure or something.

"....Kinn?? Did you??...."

Understanding the meaning of the incomplete question sttutter by Porsche, Kinn smiled and kissed Porsche's sweaty forehead before talk.

"....Yes. You're not hallucinating anything. I really said it. Don't you believe it baby??...."

Kinn asked, looking Porsche straight in the eye. When he saw the disbelief in those eyes, Kinn actually melted down inside at his innocence and he put his both hands under his chin and lift his face causing him looked at him better.

"...Don't you believe me Baby?..."

"....yes. i love you...."

"....It didn't start today. It was Something that happened the moment I saw you in life and death situation in ally way behind the Hum bar. I think it's what they called love at first sight. Since then, I have always loved you, Porsche. Ever since you only manage to get me love you even more and more day by day. Only I didn't have the courage to put it into words. But the moment the fear of losing you hit me to the core, I started blaming myself for not telling you that how much I love you. So I don't want to regret again. Because there is no way I could fall any further because I am in the bottom already...."

Kinn said as Porsche's eyes filled with tears which are battling notto fall out.

"....I love you Porsche. Not a little, a lot. I love you to death, Porsche...."

Having said that, Kinn pressed his lips on Porsche's forehead and stayed like that for a moment while the tears that were about to roll out for so long began to flow down Porsche's cheeks. Unable to hold his overwhelmed self any longer, Porsche started sobbed and buried his face in Kinn's chest.

Kinn wrapped his arms around Porsche's body hugging him to his chest, while placing soft kisses on his sweaty hair.

He felt the wetness of Porsche's tears on his bare chest as a strange feeling washed over his mind. He knew that Porsche wasn't crying out of sadness but he couldn't handle his emotions. Porsche, who had been hugging Kinn's chest for several minutes, began to speak in a soft voice.



"...Can you say it again?? I wanna hear...."

Porsche asked innocently as a smile appeared on Kinn's face. He didn't wait him to ask for twice Kinn rubbed his head lovingly.

"....I love you so much my baby....There is nothing more precious to me in this world than you....."

Kinn said honestly. Porsche was silent for a moment, giving his brain time to process the words.

"....I love you too Kinn. I value you more than my life. love you...."

They looked into each other's eyes with an unbearable love. They leaned forward and closed the gap between the two of them and touched each other's lips in sweetest way that can melt down by that touch. They spend several minutes kissing each other as soft as they could exchanging only love through the Kiss. No Tongue No Lust Nothing But Love. At the end of the kiss, they kept their foreheads on each other's and closed their eyes in comfort. They felt the comfort that they feel every moment they were alone with each other. But today it felt it even more deeper. Kinn was the first one to break the silent.

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