Fire on Fire - 19 ( Heart to Heart )

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"....Aaayyyyyyy ayyy...Porsche, if you want me to beat the shit out of kinn, down the details. Oh, what really happened to you?? Did our idiot hit you again ??? or Did you drink enough to get wasted and make him carry you like a newly wedded wife???..."

Tankhun asked in an curious tone.

He didn't even have the strength to turn to Tankhun or he had no idea what he going to say. Every time he moved, he felt his lower body being filled with unbearable pain specially he felt like there is a sharp knife up in his ass hole. But Porsche hold his bottom lip between his teeth and endured the pain because he knew that if Tunkhun heard that his pain, he would fight Kinn and take him back to his bodyguard line.

"...Hey Kid... what happened? What did Kin do to you?..."

Tankhun asked as he got up from his seat and walk towards the bed where the Porsche lay down. But the embarrassed Porsche felt relieved when he saw Kinn coming in through the glass door. Tankhun's attention suddenly shift to kinn.

"...Kinn,,, are you ok??..."

Tankhun asked as soon as he saw him.

"...Yes, thanks khun..."

Kinn said while Porsche was clueless.

"...Hey...quite being ridiculously polite. Are you crazy? I am your brother. And this idiot is my kid..."

"...aaaayyy forget it. I think he is up from beauty sleep. you take care now. I am out of here. I have a series to watch..."

Having said that, Tankhun patted Kinn on the shoulder and left the room while Kinn locked the door and pulled the curtain completely.

Then he walked over to his big bed where the Porsche was reclining and sat down with the bag in his hand beside him. He took off his shoes and got on the bed while Porsche slowly turned his head. Kinn lay down next to him with a smirk as Porsche avoided his eyes.

"...Porsche, how are you?..."

Kinn asked a very basic but funny question knowing the condition of Porsche. Because of Porsche's stubbornness, he asked it hoping for a more funny answer than the question. As expected, Porsche spoke as if there was no pain.

"...I'm fine...."

He said, avoiding kinn's eye contact.

He reached out and stroked Porsche's head while laughing.

"....Porsche, You don't need to lie, honey. I know you can't even lift a finger without excruciating pain..."

Kinn said while planting a kiss on Porsche's cheek.

".... You know I'm really gentle with you. Not only in sex, but in anything. But yesterday you asked for it yourself. Don't blame me honey..."

Kinn said as he forcibly turned Porsche's face towards him and looked into his eyes.

With a smile, he removed the bed sheet that was covering Porsche's body and glancing at his wound which was bloody mess yesterday. The wound on Porsche's shoulder was looks better now. when they arrived to mansion yesterday first thing Kinn did is calling their private surgeon and oder him to renew the stitches of Porsche's wound which he was unconscious. Satisfied smile appeared on his face.

After that he moved away from Porsche. Then took the bag that he had brought a moment ago while Porsche watched silently. Picking it up, Kinn started talking to Porsche while softly rubbing his head with his fingers.

"...Porsche, I'm gonna give you medicine, It may feel bit uncomfortable or most probably painful. Do you think you can bear??...."

Kinn asked in a very kind and loving voice. Porsche nodded head to say Yes. Satisfied with that, Kinn took out a tablet card while Porsche was waiting very attentively. Taking one capsule from the same card, Kinn came to Porsche's legs while he was waiting with wide eyes. Kinn smirked because he notice that Instead of Porsche's natural tan color his thighs are bit pale today and he knows why. With that smirk He lifted his feet and placed them on his shoulders while gently rubbing Porsche's thighs. He spread some medical cream on his index finger of his right hand and applied it to Porsche's hole as the signs of pain appeared on his face. After that Kinn slowly inserted the capsule in his other hand through the hole where the lubricating medical cream had been applied. As soon as he inserted it he saw Porsche's expressions filled with discomfort and pain. He didn't say a word but kissed his legs before put them down.

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