Fire on Fire - 67 ( Home )

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Kim said very simply in his usual ice cold tone while spitting out his throat. He coughed like an asthmatic for about a minute while Kim stared at him blankly. Tankhun couldn't believe that Kim said yes to his request right away. He had prepared a thousand of reasons for convince Kim, hoping that he wouldn't say yes in the first place. But he couldn't imagine that Kim responded him this way.

"....But there is one condition...."

Kim said before Tankhun had even recovered from the shock.

"....Anything, anything I agree with anything. Seriously Kim...."

"...Listen first. Then answer..."

Kim said rolling his eyes at Tankhun who agreed before even hearing the condition.

"....Oh come on Kim. If you do the damn thing and teach this brainless ass, that's all I want...."

He knew that arguing with his elder brother is something completely useless so he has no idea why in the earth he did that. He sighed and spoke.

"...My condition is that I teach Chay the way I want. And no one gonna have a problem with anything I do about him. Not even you. Agree???..."

Kim asked with his usual emotionless look. Without thinking for a second, Tunkhun took his hands and smiled like a madman.

"...Yes yes and yes. I don't fucking care. Do Whatever You Want. I don't mind as long as you teaching him. That's enough...."

Kim Smirk Internally Maintaining His Ice Cold Star In Outside.

"...That's it then. I will start tutoring him today onwards. And I think I will stay for the dinner..."

After saying that, Kim got up and left without giving Tankhun a single chance to speak a word. Tankhun was waiting with his mouth half open.

"...Oh, this little rascal will never change. I can't understand what is going on in side the head of this smart ass. I am amazed how the hell you are able to read him like a open book Kinn??? What kind of super power you use for that??...."

Tankhun said to himself in a frustrated voice remembering how easily Kinn understand Kim with just a one glance.

"...Hey Tankuhunno, what are you doing here??...."

Suddenly, he was startled by the voice behind him. Tunkhun turned around with his hand on his chest and opened his mouth like a fish.

"....Ayyyyy Porsche, are you trying to blow up my heart too??? Your maniac brother drilling my brain in daily basis isn't enough??...."

Tankhun said as Porsche rolled his eyes.

".....Why did you take his responsibility to your hands if you can't handle him???. Kinn could have easily deal with him if you didn't take that into your hands....."

Porsche said without any hesitation while Tunkhun stared at him with his mouth hanging open in disbelief.

"....Why are you all showering me with unanswerable questions since morning? God you bastards are gonna be the death of me. I can't die as a virgin. You rascal better quit torturing me....."

Tankhun started to cry like a puppy who got kicked on the ass.

"....I came to talk about something important. Tankuhunno arw you busy?...."

Porsche asked as he scratched his head in annoyed.

"....Do I look not busy??....."

Porsche shook his head to say Yes. Which earned a death glare from Tankhun but he knew that Tankhun never do anything to him because he loves him that much.

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