Fire on Fire - 62 ( Brothers 💔 )

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The bitter truth that Kinn knew was that the mafia world is a place where there is no room for mistakes or weakness. But even at this moment, no matter how powerful he was, it was no secret to Kinn that Vegas's problem was affecting the power of the clan. He knows that as long as it's a secret, no clan dare to go against him, but he was really hesitant before meeting Kim about what might happen if the truth is reveal. After talking with Kim, Kinn decided to go along the plan that he already had in his mind. But due to the unexpected behavior of Papa and P.Chan, it's fair to say that Kinn's head was a little confused.

The most frustrated thing isn't that his own father plotting something on him but also on love of his life. Now only thing he could think of is what he could do to make sure Porsche is safe and untouched. He absent-mindedly walked towards his bedroom with the thought of Porsche.

But when he crossed the corridor and entered through the glass door, Kinn's eyes caught that his bedroom door half open. Automatically his hand reached down to grabbed the Jones Deluxe pistol from his belt and pointed at door and started to walk towards the door without making a noise. Honestly his enter soul was in the edge of a trauma because only thing he could think of was what Kim said earlier and his Porsche. But as soon as he get near the door all of his worries vanished to the thin air because he heared the voices of Arm and Pol who were assign to clean the bed room without waking up Porsche.

Kinn buckled the pistol back into his belt with a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to go in, he stopped when he heard what Pol said.

".....Jesus Christ, look at the blood on these bed sheets. To see whether there are any injuries on Porsche's body. So much blood. Shall we remove the bed sheet to check? What if he is still bleeding or....."

Pol didn't get to say anything else because Arm hit him in the head.

"...Ayyyyyy, why did you hit me???...."

"....Stupid ass. Do you have a death wish or something??. Freakin' brainless idiot...."

Arm whisper shout angrily at Pol. But Clueless Pol was staring at him as he didn't understand what he meant.

"....I don't have a death wish. why?..."

He asked as Arm rolled his eyes at Pol's dumbness.

"....Idiot, Porsche is Kun Kinn's boyfriend. That is mean if you do such a thing like lay your fucking eyes on his boyfriend's naked beauty he will pock your eyes with fork and feed it to you for sure...."

"....Also remember this, If you put your fucking hands on him I will cut your hands off too...."

Last part he said as a warning. As the dumbest person in the house Pol wasn't getting it through his head.

"....Why cut off my hands? What have I done??..."

Pol asked incredulously. But that only made Arm angrier than he already is.

"....You Didn't do it yet, but tried to. I swear to god if you ever touch someone else with your freaking hands and put those filthy hands on my body, remember this I will make sure that you suffer from the consequences. I won't stop with cutting your hands off. I will cut your fucking dick also. Do you understand??...."

Arm whisper shout into Pol's face as Pol, who was significantly taller than him, sweated in front of his bossy attitude. Just like that Pol nodded his head and said yes out of fear.

"....Hmmm you better keep that in your damn brain or else I'll be the one to poke your eyes with a fork....."

Arm said that and gathered the blood stained bed sheets and ripped clothes then turned to leave when Pol blindly followed him.

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