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A sheer, dark fog settled around the small town of Forks as the sun slowly descended.

Victoria Sutherland sat perched upon the edge of the black leather sofa, frustratedly flicking through mundane television.

The painfully bright cartoons stung her crimson eyes, and she brought a perfectly manicured hand up to rub them as a quiet growl erupted within her throat.

She was starving.

She could always go out and eat, of course. But, ever since the run-in with the Cullen's and their pet, James had said that they needed to stay discreet.


Well, that, he didn't tell her.

Her mate keeping secrets from her was awfully annoying, further adding to her already rotten mood.

All she knew was that he had been stalking the human girl for weeks.

"If you want to feed on her, hurry up and do it already. I want to get out of this dreary hell-hole of a town, sooner rather than later." She had said one evening.

"Patience." He had replied, bored with her incessant whining; "She's important."

"Why?" She huffed.

But he would speak no further on the subject.

As she frowned at the memory, her amplified hearing picked up on a set of keys and some familiar footsteps.

Speak of the devil.


She leaned back, her dirty blonde hair cascading out around her- her appearance reflected that of an angel, whilst only few knew of the true demon who lived inside.


"What do you want?" She groaned.

The tall blonde man entered the living room and leered at her; "well, hello to you too."

She rolled her eyes, but said nothing- she was far too exhausted to deal with him today.

He placed a plastic bag on the (unused) kitchen counter and looked at her for a moment.

"Who bit you in the ass?"

"I'm bored."

Now it was his turn to roll his ruby-red orbs in silence.

She perked her head up slightly; "what's in the bag?"

"None of your business." He bit back, a smarmy, false grin on his face.

"You're so annoying."

"But you love me," James said, not missing a beat.

"But I will bite your head off if we don't go out later." At the mere thought of fresh human blood, Victoria's stomach grumbled.

"In your dreams, Tori."

"Oh, every night, sugar."

As she watched him grab several items from the cabinets- cleaning detergent, several rags- and place them in the plastic bag, she looked at him curiously.

"Where did you go today?"

He thought for a minute.

"Nowhere of importance, just checking out a person of interest."

"Oh wow, you're so mysterious- please, tell me more." Her tone was dripping with mockery.

He ignored her childish behaviour; "if you must know, the Cullen boy's human mate has a sister... And I've been-" he suddenly cut himself off.

"Fuck." He exclaimed, clenching his jaw.

"What's up?" His mate asked, leaning forward.

"I forgot something." He grabbed his keys off of the side; "I'll be back in an hour."

"But you promised we could go-"

The apartment door slammed shut.


The front door clicked shut with a finality as Jasmine sighed to herself.

She and Emmet had stayed at the diner for a few more hours before she had begun yawning, and he offered to drop her home so she could take a well-deserved nap.

As she kicked off her heels onto the mouldy, yellow doormat, she felt an odd breeze behind her, coming from the kitchen.

She stumbled through the quiet house to discover the back door unlocked.

Huh. Charlie must've been really tired this morning.

She hastily closed it, and then went upstairs.

She could barely keep her eyes open as she carefully removed her makeup, the emotional exhaustion of the day weighing down on her like a boulder.

She fell into a restful dream upon the soft sheets of her bed, oblivious to the world around her.

If she had instead walked into the living room when she was downstairs, she would've noticed her father, unconscious, on the couch.

The cheap, cyan material of the sofa was torn open in anger, the marks resembling something of a wild animal's claws.

A ruby pool of thick liquid cascaded from what was left of his skull, combining with the small stream that was spouting out of the two circular-shaped tears in his neck.

If she hadn't of fell asleep so deeply, she would've noticed the dirty-blonde-haired woman looming over her bed; her bared, bloody fangs forming an evil grin.

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