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A pearly glow enveloped the kitchen as the day dawned, crisp and clear.

"You're starting school today!" Jas flung her arm around her younger twin's shoulder, an excited pitch in her voice.

"Yay?" Bella's usual monotone replied.

"Oh, please, I know you're absolutely bursting with excitement, Bella banana." Jasmine snarked sarcastically, a small smile emerging on both of their faces at the use of Bella's childhood nickname.

Charlie stood by the kitchen counter, coffee pot in hand, watching his two daughters interact.

It was obvious they were sisters. Even if they didn't look exactly alike- with Jasmine's curled, untamed locks compared to Bella's limp, thin strands, and Bella's long face and thin cheekbones compared to Jasmine's smaller forehead and wider jawline- you could tell their relation by their matching chocolate eyes, which held so much love for each other.

As Jas finished her cereal, Charlie offered each daughter a cup of coffee.

"I'm good, thanks." The eldest smiled at him.

"Really?" He raised his eyebrows instantaneously; "you've always complained that you can't function properly without caffeine..."

"Yeah, well..." Jasmine shrugged- "I slept pretty well last night, y'know?"

"Huh. No more weird dreams?"

That final comment caught Bella's attention, her auburn head shooting up; "what weird dreams?"

"Well, ever since she started dati-"

"It's nothing, it's really not important." Jas cut off Charlie, not wanting to plague Bella's first week back.


The linoleum floors cried as Bella's knock-off converses travelled down the dingy hallway.

"And then the office teacher told me that she put us on nearly the same time table- so we'll be together majority of the time!"

Bella nodded at Jas' comment and continued staring at the ground.

Eric and Angela were walking behind Jasmine and her sister, deep in discussion.

Bella literally hadn't spoken a word since they had arrived at school (apart from: "no, its Bella), and it was starting to grate Jasmine's nerves- jeez, if her twin hated her that much, she could've just stayed in Arizona.

In English first period, she found her boyfriend sitting at the back- this was one of the only classes she didn't have with her sister.

A worried look flashed across Edward's face as she approached.

She kissed him on the cheek; "what's up?"

If he had flinched slightly as her lips pressed against his cheekbone, Jas had elected to ignore it.

Their relationship was great- in all honest, she loved him. He was there for her when her mom forgot her sweet 16, he had visited her almost every night when she caught the flu and had talked her out of murdering Jess when her best friend 'accidentally picked up' the Pandora necklace she got from her late great-aunt Jenna.

He sighed, then looked away from the window and at her; "have I ever told you about the Volturi?"

She thought for a minute, then answered: "You, Esme and Carlisle were talking about them one time- you guys were arguing."

He was shocked that she remembered that; "Oh, well- I mean, do you know who they are?"

"You know what- I'm gonna do it. Shot in the dark, right here. Just a random, wild guess. Could they, possibly be- hmmm, I don't know- perhaps, vampires?"

He chuckled slightly at her over-dramatic tendencies. "Keep your voice down. Yes, they are like me and my family- but... They embrace their abilities and gifts, they feed on human blood. They're extremely old and powerful, they've killed a lot of people."

"Well... they sound like a blast. Hey, are- are they older than you?"

"Nobody could tell you that apart from the kings themselves... But rumour has it is that they were turned before the death of Christ."

"That's a long time... Wait for a second- the kings?"

"The Volturi are sort of like the royal family for vampires- and they are led by the three kings: Aro, Caius and Marcus. They're extremely dangerous- and they would most probably kill you if they found out that you had been told about us."

She scoffed lightly; "okay- first of all- they can kiss my ass. Second- I wasn't told- don't give yourself that much credit, Edward- I found out on my own."

"That's a very brave statement, Jas- but, seriously, they would kill you-"

"Mr Cullen, Miss Swan- would you like to tell the entire class about the very intense discussion you were just having about- what I hope is- question 6.7?" Her English teacher, Mr Fairchild, spoke up from the front of the class.

Jas turned around; "Nah- I think we're good here, Mr F."

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