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Jasmine, Bella, Jessica, Angela, Eric and Mike were sitting at their usual lunch table in the stuffy, off-white cafeteria of Forks high- all attention was on Mike as he retold the unusual tale of how his cousin gave birth.

"And then I said: but it's just 10 cents- that's crazy- my cousin's having her baby, can you just please let us over?"

As Mike continued to blabber on, Jessica turned to Jasmine and began to make a chatterbox motion with her hands, mouthing along to what Mike was saying in an over-dramatic fashion and raising her eyebrows crazily.

Jasmine giggled in response, but then noticed how quiet Bella was being.

"Everything okay?" she asked her, putting a strawberry into her mouth.

"And then my uncle Neil just leapt out of the car and pulled the barrier up- it was insane."

"I thought the guy couldn't even get out of bed?"

Bella turned to her, looking deep in thought. The little crease between her eyebrows relaxed slightly.

"Yeah- I just- Ummm... I mean, I'm fine- it's-"

Bella then paused and looked past Jasmine, to the door leading out of the cafeteria.

"Who are they?"

Jasmine shifted slightly in her uncomfortable plastic seat to watch the Cullens walk in, all completely in-sync- looking like a group of lions amongst prey.

"Oh- well-"

Angela cuts in- camera still in hand- "The Cullens."

Jessica leans in, swinging into full-on gossip mode; "Doctor and Mrs Cullen's foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago."

Jasmine saw Edward glance at her from through the window, and she gave him a small smile.

"They kinda keep to themselves." Angela pointed out.

Jessica made a disturbed face; "Yeah, because they're all like... together. Like together together. The blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmet... they're a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal."

Jasmine scoffed slightly; "Jess, they're not actually related."

Jessica made a desperate motion with her hands. "But they live together. And the little dark-haired girl, Alice, she's really weird..."

"You don't even know her, Jess." Jasmine came to the defence of the small vampire.

"-she's always daydreaming and shit- just staring into space-"

Jessica turns back to Bella; "she's with Jasper, the blonde who looks like he's in pain..."

Jasmine rolled her eyes.

"I mean, Dr Cullen's like this foster dad slash matchmaker."

Angela made a thinking face; "maybe he'll adopt me."

Bella and Jasmine both laugh... then Bella suddenly sees the last Cullen to enter.

Lanky, with untidy, bronze-coloured hair- he seems inwardly turned, mysterious. More boyish than the others- but the most striking of all. Bella can't take her eyes off him.

Jasmine notices her younger twin eyeing the boy up as he walks across the room to his table.

In all honesty, it wasn't unusual.

Bella looks at Jas and Jess and asks: "who's he?"

Jasmine gives her a sly grin; "you know that boy I was telling you about?"

Suddenly, Edward looks over, as if he heard Jasmine from across the room. His eyes meet Bella's. But he seems... confused. Bella quickly looks away, focusing on her sister again.

"That's your boyfriend?" She jokes, chuckling slightly. "Damn, Jas, you did good."

But Bella can't help but peek at Edward again. He's staring at her outright now, with a slightly frustrated expression that unnerves the younger twin- she hides behind her hair.

And this exchange definitely doesn't go unnoticed by Jasmine.

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