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Jasmine didn't know exactly when it started, but she had an odd feeling that something was very wrong.

Edward had been ignoring her for far too long.

Like every other healthy couple, she understood when he needed a few days to himself, especially when it came to his... cravings. This would sometimes also go the other way, if Jas hadn't particularly been sleeping well, or if it was a certain time of the month.

But it had been over two weeks.

Over fourteen whole days since her younger sister had spied him in the cafeteria, since which he had decided to ultimately avoid his girlfriend; he was ignoring all of her phone calls and text messages, whilst suddenly needing to go somewhere else if they happened to cross paths at school.

Did she do something wrong?

Was he getting bored with her?

Was he going to break up with her?

Jasmine was unsure where these insecure thoughts were coming from, but- hypothetically- if they were true, she would rather he just tell her than this torturous avoidance game they were playing.

She valued honesty above everything, even if it hurt.

She could still remember the soft, sweet taste of strawberry cheesecake on her sixteenth birthday, when her mother had chosen to go out with her new boyfriend rather than come to her own daughter's party.

The rich aroma of the coffee that she had made every morning when she was twelve, when her father had been too hungover, too depressed by the divorce to get out of bed.

The crunch of the golden leaves under her heels as she had confronted Edward in the woods, the loud twittering of the wild birds as he had said: "I don't know what you're talking about."

But Bella had never lied to her- Jasmine's younger sister had been the only one she could ever truly count on.

Where was Bella?

She knew that her twin had gone out to get some groceries, but that was a few hours ago. In all honesty, Jas just needed some healthy girl-on-girl time right now...

Just as the thought of juicy gossip and brightly-coloured face masks crossed her mind, she heard the unmistakable screech of Bell- their rust-bucket of a truck pull up.


As she got up from her messily made bed to go downstairs, she could hear familiar snores from her father's room.

She was glad he was getting some sleep, he had been working far too hard at the moment, especially with the several animal attacks that had been taking place within the small town they lived in.

She hummed lightly to herself as unlocked the front door, and leaned forward to survey the mesh of trees that surrounded their house.

It took her a moment too long to realise what was happening.

They were leaned into the hood of the orange truck, the flecks of rust brushing against the ends of her sister's wavy locks.

A long arm was situated alongside her, effectively trapping the girl, the blue and silver-coloured "C"-shaped crest of the bracelet glinting in the dull sunlight.

The fingers of a pale hand were brushing gently along the jaw of her twin's small face, which was currently turned upwards into a smile.

Frozen to her spot, Jasmine watched as Edward leaned down and kissed Bella sweetly. Their soft lips intertwined as the latter brushed her leg along the former's ankle.

A small choking noise came from the intruder of the moment, effectively breaking the lover's rosy haze.

The vampire immediately heard, freezing up at being spotted by his girlfriend, but being unable to look up at her cocoa-coloured eyes, which were filled with tears of hurt, anger and embarrassment.

Taking a second longer to perceive the sudden reluctance in Edward's embrace, Bella looked up at her house, to find her longest friend looking back down at her.

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