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Jasmine inhaled as she finally broke free from the swathe of blistering torment.

She felt a strange weightlessness in her chest, and inhaled again, slowly this time.

And again.

And again.

And aga-

"You don't need to do that anymore." A deep chuckle emitted from the figure beside her bed.

"This is gonna sound really dumb later, but what the fuck are you talking about?"

Jas paused in shock at the amount of strength that emitted from her voice.

Her tone wasn't as breathy as she would've expected- maybe she hadn't been out that long.

"I don't want to put you into shock," Emmet spoke, "but I also know that you like the hard truth, so... Congratulations- you're now a vampire."

If she needed to gasp, she would've.

She suddenly leaned up from the small bed and was assaulted with a variety of senses.

The dull sparkle of Emmet's forearm, where it was hit with the escaping rays of light.

Bella's lilting voice, giggling at a terrible joke that Edward made.

The almost-mute thumping of her heart and the rushing of her blood.

The minty scent of the freshly showered evergreens outside, coupled with the honey-sweet smell of the nodding wildflowers nearby.

The small, uncomfortable prick in her lower arm.

"What on-" Jas' scarlet eyes gazed over the IV line sticking out of her arm- she attempted to yank it out, but accidentally crushed the frail needle in the process.

Emmet's eyes widened, the sides of his mouth turning up in amusement, "yeah, um- Carlisle said that you were out a lot longer than normal and he didn't want you to wake up and accidentally slaughter your own sister so..."

He grimaced slightly, "we've been giving you blood through a feeding tube."

"That's... gross." He chuckled at the expression on her face.

R.I.P Bambi, she mentally sighed.

"Actually it was a bear." Jasmine and Emmet both turned to the figure at the door.

"We need to talk." Edward looked at her intently as he approached the bed.

A hand interjected as Emmet's overprotectiveness kicked in, "is this really the ti-"


"Shut up," she scoffed at her ex, then turned to the other brother with a light smile, "I'll be fine."

She smirked, "plus I can totally kick his ass with my newborn strength if he says anything outta' line."

With an annoyed huff, Emmet left the two alone.

After a moment of awkward silence, Jas glared at him.


"A-are you okay?"

She scoffed, "you have got to be shitting me-"

"Look- I don't know what you want me to say, okay? Bella was the one who wanted me to talk to you."


Ignoring the surprising admission, Jas reeled her anger into him.

"How about: I'm a huge asshole." She mirthlessly smiled at him.

"No- you know what-"

He turned away to exit the room, only for Jasmine to flash in front of him with an inhumane speed, grabbing his arm.

She's fucking crazy.

"The hell did you just say?" She sneered.

"I said 'let go'" he slowly admitted, distressed at her sudden, unprovoked anger.

What is she talking about?

"I'm talking about you calling me crazy, you hypocrite."


"No," she interjected, her nails keeping a steel grip on his arm, "you were gonna try and suck the toxin out of me, weren't you? You could've killed me, Edward!"

Well, that would've solved a lot of my problems.

That final snarky comment was the icing on the cake for Jasmine, and she slapped him. Hard.

Maybe it was the brute physical strength he was hit with, but Edward suddenly had a moment of realisation.

Can- can you hear me?

"No shit." She scowled at him.

"Wait-" he held his hands up in defeat, "you have an ability!" He yelled, hoping that the sudden change in conversation would pause her violent pursuit.

"What?" She stopped for a moment, slowly tilting her head.

"You can read thoughts..." he mumbled.

"No I- do abilities normally take a few minutes to charge up or something?" A confused look crossed Jas' face.

"I couldn't hear Emmet's thoughts, and I couldn't hear yours until a moment ago..." she continued, frowning.

"Because you can't hear thoughts." A sugary tone interrupted.


"I brought you a change of clothes," Alice added.

Jas took the pile from her whilst looking down at her ruined dress and frizzy hair, "thanks..."

The girls were suddenly reminded of the other person in the room as Edward spoke, "she has other abilities?"

He had tuned into the vision Alice just had, but none of it made sense to him.

"Nope, just the one- Jasper?"

The dirty blonde boy suddenly appeared in a breath of wind, his hand outstretched to Jasmine.

Cautiously she took it.

The first thing she noticed was a light yellow cloud, emitting from her hand and whole body- a similar colour aura surrounded Edward as well. A rouge tint encompassed both Alice and Jasper, whilst the air around Carlisle, who had just entered the room, was a light blue.

"You can change them, as well." Jasper spoke, "you just have to practice."

As their hands broke away, Jasmine turned to Alice and Carlisle, "I'm so confused right now-"

The pixie chuckled, "it'll take some getting used to, that's for sure."

"Yeah... but what is it?"

"From what Alice has seen, you don't have one definitive power. You mimic and absorb the powers of those around you, whilst in physical contact or extreme emotional pressure." Carlisle explained.

There was a pause as Jas looked at him in bewilderment.

"As much as I'm glad to provide an explanation," he continued, "there's also something else."

Her face suddenly switched to one of confusion as his tone darkened.

"It's about Charlie."

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